When she finished, Adam didn’t say anything and just raked a hand through his hair, before rubbing his eyes for a moment. He looked somewhat vulnerable, and she’d never imagined he could be like that. It actually made him seem more attractive, this sense that he could even be a little fallible. She had to look away to keep herself from softening further.

Just then his phone rang, which thankfully broke the strained atmosphere. He plucked the phone from his pocket but before he answered it, he told her to return to her desk. “I’ll get back to you on the stuff to handle for the rest of the day.”

Then he turned and began to speak in a business-like tone into the phone. Gabrielle didn’t wait to catch any of his conversation and slipped out of the office. She set her back against the door and let out a shuddering sigh. It already felt like she’d been through a full day. But somehow, all the drama from earlier somehow made her feel lighter. They’d needed that little run-in to get things into perspective. Maybe they could grow from it – or at least Gabrielle hoped so. That was if it wasn’t already too late.


The next morning came and Gabrielle showed up bright and early. Funny enough, she didn’t even remember how angry she was yesterday. How weird was that? She just wanted to get right back to it, and that was her mindset when she walked into Adam’s office.

She made sure to have everything arranged by the time he showed up exactly at nine a.m. He already had his coffee in hand, his favorite blend of iced Americano with its ebony black liquid topped with white foam that looked like half a pint of Guinness. She had no clue why he liked the stuff and not just normal hot coffee, but then what with the temperatures they were getting lately, she couldn’t blame him if he preferred something cool and invigorating.

Gabrielle wasn’t surprised when he promptly started right into her tasks for the day. Normally it would have annoyed her when he brushed off her good morning greeting. But now she simply took in his instructions, which included seeing to his mail, then some copying and filing.

“At one, my driver Harold will drive you to pick up some important documents from a client at his home. But make sure you see Gretchen before you leave. She has something to show you.”

Gabrielle was curious about that last part but didn’t ask questions. Her can-do attitude stayed on for the whole morning as she went about her tasks, making sure she had them done quickly so she could run the errand at the VIP client’s home. Nothing out of the ordinary happened all morning, thank goodness.

Gabrielle did catch sight of Scott as she came out of the mail room. She might have toyed with the idea of crossing the hallway to say hello, but then he was joined by a petite blonde in a short black skirt and they started flirting.

Guessing it would be better not to bother them, Gabrielle only shook her head and smiled, then went the other way to the copy room. Some letters and documents needed shredding before she returned to Adam’s office to set down his important mail.

It wasn’t till a quarter to one that she had time to seek Gretchen out, and she found the receptionist already waiting.

“Have you had lunch?” Gretchen asked with one of her friendly smiles.

“I had a sandwich,” Gabrielle answered, while her mind suddenly went back to just yesterday and that quaint restaurant where she never got to even taste the food. Pushing it out of her thoughts, she noticed Gretchen was leading her right back to Adam’s office. Only, when they reached there, the blonde strode ahead a few more paces till they reached another door.

Gabrielle stopped short when she saw it read Personal Assistant on the door. Confused, she followed Gretchen inside. Staring around in amazement, she caught Gretchen’s chuckle.

“I was as surprised as you are when I first saw it. Well, Gabrielle, this is your new office.”

“What? For real?” she asked disbelievingly.

“The door said personal assistant, right? That’s what you are. For the next three months at least. Just move your things in here, and it’s official.”

She smiled and patted Gabrielle’s shoulder, then left. Gabrielle was still gaping around at the surroundings, which looked newly appointed. The spacious office was almost as big as Adam’s and had just as many windows overlooking the awesome view.

On the large desk were unopened items, but first Gabrielle tried out her new ergonomic chair. Damn it felt good, she thought, leaning back. She didn’t really understand what was happening right now, but she didn’t have time to question anything. The only thing that made her slightly wary was when she looked into the boxes on the table. One was smaller than the other and housed a brand new iPad. The other item was an Apple laptop very much like the one Adam used, if not the same.