She also hated the thought that everything about her life had been a waste before now. When she was in school, all those years studying hard and having dreams, just to end up as a personal assistant to a petty billionaire who took pleasure in demeaning her – it felt so unfair.

Gabrielle knew she should just go home and forget about the job. But slowly her mind went over her options and she decided she wasn’t giving up yet. Unless Adam found some way to fire her, she could stay on as long as she wanted. At least until the ninety days was up.

You’re just a sucker for punishment, her inner voice admonished but Gabrielle squashed it. She glanced around and tried to find her bearings. Minutes later, she was headed for the Bronson building after asking directions. Thankfully, it was within walking distance.

If she flared up anytime someone tried to act offensive, then she still had a lot to learn. When she found herself viewing the huge sign saying A.B. Financial, she heaved a fortifying breath.

As she stood there, her phone rang and she reached into her bag to answer it. When she saw Adam’s name, she grunted and contemplated not picking up. But then she rolled her eyes skyward and then snapped into the phone, “Yes?”

“Gabrielle, where the devil are you?”

Hearing him lose his cool for once was enough to mollify her anger. “In front of the office building.”

“Don’t take another step. I’m almost there.” Then she heard him say something to the driver as he hung up.

Gabrielle was wondering how long she’d have to wait, but to her surprise it was barely three minutes before the powerful black Mercedes pulled up. Adam jumped out and stormed over to face her. “You. Follow me.”

Gabrielle didn’t say one word as she walked – more like jogged – after him, thanks to his fast strides and longer legs taking him way ahead. To her surprise, he went in a strange direction, which led them to what looked like a private elevator. He scanned his finger on the touch pad, the doors opened and they stepped into a gleaming, sleek elevator.

Though she stood right next to him as the car took them up, Gabrielle didn’t deign to glance his way, very aware of his deep green eyes following her every motion. When they reached the top floor, the doors opened, and only then did she allow herself to breathe. The atmosphere seemed ready to explode at this point.

He was the first to exit and stalked angrily toward his office. Gabrielle didn’t even get why he was so mad. He’d been the one to insult her, calling her frivolous and capricious and what not. She was the one who had the right to be upset, not him!

She walked in after him and shut the door, just as he turned to face her, looking more reined in than before. “If you want to keep this job, you’ll never again act as juvenile as you did today,” he began.

Gabrielle huffed. “Oh, so now I’m juvenile. Surprising how well you come up with these insults.”

“Watch your mouth, Gabrielle.”

It was the second time he’d called her by her name since she’d started working for him, and she felt a warm coil settle in between her thighs. Hiding her reaction behind a hard glare, she just stared at him without speaking.

He closed his eyes and took a deep, harsh breath before continuing. “The only reason I’m not firing you for embarrassing me at my own restaurant is because I see how my words must have come out. I never want a woman to feel disrespected. Least of all my employee. My words were unacceptable and totally out of line, and for that I’m willing to apologize.”

Gabrielle’s mouth hung open in surprise. She hadn’t expected him to take any kind of blame. Now he’d just made her even more confused, and that was on top of all the physical tension still swirling between them.

She knew he could feel it, too, saw that tell-tale glint in his eyes as they moved over her. Adam sighed. “Gabrielle, this isn’t working out. I can promise I will never again be abusive but I’m not saying we won’t keep aggravating each other. No one, least of all me, would blame you if you decide to simply leave, so just…”

“I accept your apology,” she cut in, her lips pulled in a smile.

Adam stopped short and let her finish.

“And yes, I want to quit. But I figure if I do it tomorrow, it wouldn’t be too late, would it? And if I still feel like leaving tomorrow, then I’ll just do it the day after. What I’m saying is, each time it feels as if I can’t take it, I’ll just give it one more day and then see. It’s not for anyone else but for me. It’s time I started believing in myself first, before I expect anyone else to.”