Ayana stared at her blankly. “Girl, you can’t mix a good drink to save your life. And don’t even think of waitressing again. Plates just seem to jump off your tray and you bump into everything. Don’t even get me started on that time you were the manager of that tattoo shop.”

“Hey now, that wasn’t my fault. Who knew I’d faint at the sight of blood the way I did? I can’t be blamed for something I have no control over,” Gabrielle said with a pout.

Ayana waved her hands dismissively. “Just forget it. We could go all day talking about all the things you’ve failed at since you moved to New York.”

“But I can’t keep working as a temp. I’ve tried it for three months, and I’m barely making ends meet.”

“I know the checks are few and far between, but it’s better than nothing. What do you plan on doing? Maybe going back to your last job as a shop girl?” Ayana shook her head with a humorous laugh. “Remember how you almost got slapped by a customer?”

Gabrielle held a palm to her cheek reflexively. She definitely hadn’t forgotten that. Damn her lack of tact. She had the horrible habit of telling people the truth when they asked her how something looked.

Though she didn’t voice it right then, Gabrielle began to seriously consider leaving the city. Ayana would definitely try to talk her out of it, but how long could Gabrielle keep living off her friend’s goodwill?

With nothing else to do, Gabrielle opened up a webpage that led her straight to her email. She saw the notifications and absentmindedly checked through her incoming mail.

Then suddenly, she saw it. “Oh shit,” she said aloud, and Ayana turned to her in surprise.

“What is it?”

“Maybe a fluke,” Gabrielle said slowly. “But I think I just got offered a job.”


It wasn’t just any job, but an exec assistant at A.B. Financial. One of the biggest financial technology – fintech - companies in the city. According to the email, Gabrielle’s application had passed the preliminary screening and she was invited for a final interview, which was more or less just a formality, from what Gabrielle could gather from the details.

She was over the moon at the prospect that in a week she could be working at a real job.

Gabrielle, Ayana and two of their other friends decided to go out and celebrate. Ayana, as always, was great with organizing their night out. After all, she worked in this amazing bar with the coolest crowd.

Gabrielle, however, was shocked when they got to the venue and the staff showed them right to the VIP section. “Girl, I can’t afford any of this,” Gabrielle protested to Ayana, who waved her off.

“Come on, I work here, remember? I managed to get us free bottle service tonight. I told everyone we’re celebrating your new job,” Ayana said gaily, throwing an arm around Gabrielle. “Just enjoy it, woman! Besides, you can always pay me back. You’re set to start this awesome new job, after all. We’ve got to make this a night to remember, so don’t worry about it.”

Gabrielle tried to fight down her twinge of guilt. Don’t worry about it. That was becoming her bestie’s new catchword with Gabrielle. When she lent Gabrielle the couture dress and heels she had on, she said the same thing, even though Gabrielle had said she’d just wear something from her own wardrobe. Of course, Ayana knew Gabrielle had nothing remotely suitable to wear to this kind of upscale spot.

Everything about the bar reeked of the posh lifestyle, from the décor to the service and the stylish crowd. Gabrielle decided to stop overthinking everything, and just have fun. Once I start earning good money, I’ll make sure many other nights out with Ayana are on me.

For now, she just felt awed and swept away in the pumping nightlife of the bar. Top shelf champagne filled their glasses and with their hottest cocktail dresses, Gabrielle and her girls were looking like a bunch of socialites in their corner of the VIP section. Their party was drawing a lot of attention from the trust-fund types seated across from them, also getting the best bottle service and VIP treatment.

Gabrielle giggled from behind her champagne glass at the thought that some rich kid would actually mistake her or any of their group as wealthy or high class. Not that any of them had anything to be ashamed of. They came from good enough backgrounds, but they certainly couldn’t boast of being over-privileged.

Even Ayana, who always had money to burn, simply had the smarts and ambition that always got her a fat bank account. She excelled at everything she set her mind to, which always made Gabrielle feel determined that once she had her chance, she’d make herself be the best she could be.