Just yesterday, her third day, he’d brought her to her last nerve.

It had been a more stressful day than the last two, and as she’d walked in from the master copy machine, he’d snapped at her for his coffee.

She’d hurried to his desk, placing the stack of files she’d just copied upon it, and then, almost breathless, said she’d be right back.

It took her twenty minutes to get the coffee he asked for from his preferred café, which happened to be in the ground floor of the building. She bustled back with the brew and was again at his desk, “Here you go, Mr. Bronson.”

When she handed it to him, the cup slipped in their hands. It was one of those cursedly dumb things that could be avoided but just happened at the worst moments. Gabrielle stared in horror as the coffee drops instantly spilled on her creamy blouse, the dark liquid splashing over her front. Instantly it turned her thin blouse sheer, and her nipples suddenly pebbled through her wet black bra.

Gabrielle wanted to scream, while Adam bit down a curse, at the same time looking both thunderous and strangely turned on. Gabrielle’s only relief was that it was iced coffee, but she definitely didn’t relish having the finest Balinese blend all over her top.

Seeing Adam’s cold exasperation didn’t help. She almost yelled that she’d bought the blouse just yesterday – to please him, in fact – and now it was ruined. She really didn’t even know why she bothered! It sucked working for him and if it wasn’t for the money and just the sheer obstinacy of wanting to prove him wrong, she’d have simply quit then and there.

He could have at least looked a little worried, but he just seemed irritated. “Now you’ve given me two problems I just don’t need. One is that now I still don’t have my coffee.”

Gabrielle gasped, wanting to blurt out asking what the other could possibly be, since she was the one with the ruined blouse. But she took one look into those darkly angry eyes and saw the hint of arousal glazing them before it was gone. Was that the second problem?

Gabrielle was perplexed for a moment, then stared down at the sight of her shirt now molded tautly over her full breasts. She could also feel the wet liquid rolling down her inner thigh and starting to drip down her legs.

Another gasp tore from her lips and she turned away, hastily trying to wipe off the coffee she had everywhere it seemed.

By the time she turned again to Adam, he was rising to his feet and striding to the door. “You’ll need to fix yourself up. And never mind about the coffee, I’m on my way out anyway. I’ll be back in time for my ten o’clock appointment. Let’s hope there’ll be no more…distractions.” She glanced his way as he paused at the door to drop that innuendo, sweeping his eyes once more over her drenched front before he left.

It took half an hour of rubbing a wet cloth against the stain to get it out in the restroom. Thankfully the fabric was the type not to hold stains and also managed to dry quickly. Gabrielle was back to normal by the time Adam returned and took care not to do anything else to embarrass herself. She added resentment to all the other emotions Adam made her feel.

And even now, the day after, the feeling still lingered.

Armed with new tasks, she left his office to send some faxes while armed with the necessary files to be copied. Since she’d spent some time getting familiar with where everything was, she walked straight in the direction of the fax machine.

But she was so busy thinking up unprintable names for Adam that she wasn’t paying attention where she was going. By the time she noticed the door opening just ahead of her, it was too late. It swung outward and knocked her arms holding the papers, which promptly fell from their folders to scatter the floor.

Another day, another mess. With an internal groan, she sank to her knees to save the files before they got more mixed up.

The person who’d emerged from the door got on their knees alongside her, while apologizing and offering to help. Gabrielle barely glanced up into clear gray eyes in a tanned, chiseled face framed with inky dark locks. She caught the sincerity in his expression and her anger cooled.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s okay,” she said, knowing that the words were directed more to herself to calm her escalating nerves.

“Maybe I can be of help if you tell me whose files these are,” he said, his voice holding a nice deep burr. Gabrielle was too busy fixing up the papers to pay attention to his words and instead mumbled, “I said, no worries. I can handle it.”

“But you obviously need a hand,” he said with persistence as they both straightened, the rescued papers all in disarray as Gabrielle clutched to them. “I haven’t seen you before, have I?”