Adam swore under his breath and ran his hand through his hair, ignoring the throb in his pants as he reached for the phone. If he had any sense, he’d be calling HR to cancel his job offer for Ms. Gabrielle Black. A part of him hoped she’d change her mind about taking the job and simply leave.

But no – when he rang HR, they told him she was with them, readying to sign her employment contract and start orientation.

So she wasn’t running, yet. A thin smile crossed his lips. Before she so fortuitously showed up, he’d been ready to set her from his mind after a week of unanswered advances. What tomorrow would bring, he couldn’t tell. All he’d ever cared for was business and staying ahead of the game.

But for the first time in ages, he’d encountered a diversion that actually sparked his interest, in the image of a certain honey-skinned beauty too sexy for her own good. Whether he would keep to his own stipulations of all work and no play where she was concerned remained to be seen.


“Girl…!” Ayana cocked her head to the side as she dragged the word out, her tone filled with both disbelief and awe. “Tell me this is a joke.”

“I promise you, it is not,” Gabrielle said, puffing out a breath at the bangs hanging over her temple. “Adam and my boss are one and the same. He runs a Fortune 500 company, is worth ooh, maybe a billion dollars – and I slept with him a week ago in the men’s room of a bar.”

“That’s the most shocking of all,” breathed Ayana, falling heavily into her chair as she stared at Gabrielle. “What on earth came over you? No, wait – I can guess the answer to that.”

Ayana’s face suddenly split into an impossibly wide smile and Gabrielle groaned. “Now this is the reason I never wanted to tell you about it. Can you possibly be any more crude?”

“I’m not being crude! I’m just – it’s all like one big impossible plot twist. You walk into this company and find out you were never even meant to get the job, and then magically, Adam turns out to be the CEO. Did he really say you could work for the company?” Ayana’s eyes danced with glee.

“Only for a trial period – and then we’ll see,” Gabrielle said. “I just hate to feel indebted, like I owe him for giving me the chance.”

“All the more reason why you have to surpass his expectations and show him you deserve it,” Ayana said firmly, shooting to her feet. “Well, if you’re going to be the assistant to a billionaire CEO, you might as well start to look the part. Let’s go shopping!”

Gabrielle sighed. “How can you be so upbeat about this?”

“You know me. I always look on the bright side of things,” Ayana said, throwing an arm around Gabrielle’s shoulders. “Besides, you’re always there for me, spurring me on and believing in me, so why can’t I do the same?”

“Thanks, Ayana,” Gabrielle said with a smile. She was glad to have Ayana as a friend – and that was more reason why she had to take the job, so she could start trying to pay her best friend back for all the support. Especially with all the loans and bills. Even though Ayana never ever made a big deal about it, Gabrielle couldn’t help but have it on her conscience. In that frame of mind, she was determined to make a success of her new job.

But within her first few days in her new position, Gabrielle was to discover that nothing was going to ever come easy. Not with a boss like Adam Bronson.

He’d warned her he was a hard driver. And though she had no problem with having to prove herself, prove that she was worthy of working as his PA, she didn’t thrive around hostility.

Still, this was just a job and if she put in all her focus, she’d overcome these initial hurdles and then keep striving. What could possibly go wrong?

It was amazing that she hadn’t heard about Adam Bronson before now. He’d made a name for himself in the world of fintech and had this successful company to prove it. His background was dotted with Ivy League degrees and an influential family background, but otherwise he kept a low profile.

That didn’t mean he hadn’t graced a few covers – Gabrielle’s online search had shown that he’d been on Esquire and GQ, while a few human interest magazines and blogs noted he was one of the city’s most eligible bachelors.

His private life seemed just as pristine: he’d been linked to a few models and heiresses, but nothing serious. He was definitely single, but from what she could tell, he wasn’t on the lookout for romance or wedlock anytime soon.