There, he’d said it. Made it known that she wasn’t anything like he’d believed she was. Gabrielle’s eyes flew to look anywhere but at him. “Okay, fine. I do need the job. So? There’s no shame in that. But I refuse to accept charity. This all seemed like some crazy fluke anyway. I should have known it when I saw that email.”

“Trust me, this has nothing to do with charity. It’s an opportunity – and you’d be a fool not to accept. If you do, you can start right away,” he said coolly, straightening from his desk and moving to one of the picture windows. “As is customary, it will be in the contract that I won’t be able to fire you for ninety days. That should be enough for you to know I’m not playing a game. Also, it would be enough time for you to prove your worth.”

Gabrielle was gaping at him. “You mean…it’s not a joke? You will give me the job for real? Even after…”

He spun smartly on his heels, eyebrow cocked at her. “If you’re talking about the night we met, then you needn’t trouble yourself bringing it up. This is entirely a business arrangement, and I suggest you keep that in mind. To me, you’re simply an assistant and one under a trial period. Believe me, if you aren’t up to scratch by the end of that time, you’ll be out on your ass.”

Gabrielle squirmed, trying not to let her mind wander to dangerous corners at the look in those eyes when he spoke the last words. His cool tone said one thing, but the way he looked at her said another. Even though he was treating her like a total stranger, the underlying physical tension could be cut with a machete.

Why didn’t he just come right out about that night? And the fact that she’d ignored any of his advances to meet up again? Maybe she’d wounded his manly pride. More so for the way she’d made him think she was something she wasn’t. Now it was all out in the open and nothing could have been more embarrassing, or just plain wrong.

If she had any pride left, she’d just turn around and leave. But could she afford to pass up this great chance? Adam was right; this was a dream job and she’d be a fool to say no. She just had to decide if she could brave working for the most dangerous man to her equilibrium – especially after what they’d shared, even fleetingly.

It will be just business, he said so himself. Gabrielle decided that if he could act like that night didn’t happen, then so would she. Gabrielle had already buried it to the farthest part of her mind. Seeing Adam each day would be a constant reminder of the one night she’d acted way out of her character. Still, she had to try. She was sick of living off someone else’s generosity, even though it was her best friend’s. She needed the stability of a good job, or she would have to leave New York for good, and give up her dreams.

“Well, Ms. Black?”

His arched brow seemed to taunt her to say no, to go running like she always did. Gabrielle ignored the butterflies coming alive in her stomach, just meeting those enigmatic green eyes. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but she could bet he felt she didn’t have the guts to take this head-on. Gabrielle’s fighting spirit wanted to prove him wrong.

“I’ll do it. And...thank you for the offer.”

“You won’t be thanking me when you see I’m as much a stickler for perfection as I am intolerant of excuses. So don’t think this is going to be a cake walk by any stretch.”

Gabrielle lifted her chin. “I don’t expect any preferential treatment, but I do ask that you be fair. It wouldn’t be right if you chose to make any of this personal.”

“If I was taking any of this personal, I wouldn’t select you over other more experienced and qualified candidates. What you do have is potential. Something that could bring a fresh perspective I’ve been looking for. And I think you deserve a chance.”

Somehow, she couldn’t believe that was all there was. “That’s it? You’re sure there’s no other reason?”

Silence passed for a few moments, before he strode to stand just inches in front of her. His fingers raised her chin so she could meet his deep green gaze. “What other reason could there be?”

She shrugged, his magnetic proximity making her breathless. “I…we…”

“There’s no we, Ms. Black. You made that point clear, that you can easily have sex with someone, but then find it so hard to pick up their call or even answer their texts.” He shook his head, as if pondering her senses, and Gabrielle rushed to speak.