When she’d first opened her eyes and realized that everything was in red, she’d admit that she may have umm, freaked out a bit, for which she’d profusely apologized to Chris…once he regained consciousness, but once everything had been explained to her, she’d been fine.


Sort of…

For a brief moment, at least until she’d panicked and realized that old habits are really hard to break. But once she came to, she was fine after that and umm, eventually Drew, whom she’d also profusely apologized to, had been fine as well. After an unfortunate incident that had occurred when they’d tried to get her to drink blood, everything had been fine.

Except for when Noah made the mistake of coming into the room and she’d caught his scent, which…

Well, he was fine now and as soon as he stopped running away when he saw her, she planned on apologizing to him, again. Once she’d finally calmed down and managed to drink the rest of the blood without gagging, much, she’d been allowed to leave the clinic, mostly because they’d needed the beds for the all the men that she’d owed an apology to, and went up to the room that they’d given them.

When she’d walked into the bathroom and saw her reflection in the mirror, she’d been surprisingly okay with the changes. So, when Trace wrapped his arms around her and told her how sorry he was that he had to change her to save her life, she’d grudgingly accepted his apology…for the good of their relationship, of course. It had nothing to do with the thirty pounds she’d lost overnight or the fact that her breasts were firmer along with her ass and the double chin that had been threatening to develop was now a thing of the past. Finding out that she would never have to pluck, wax, or shave another thing in her life had also helped.

“Have you decided what you want to do?” Trace asked, flicking his tongue between her legs in a way that made it difficult to focus.

“This?” she said, making him chuckle as though she was kidding.

She wasn’t, and if she stopped doing that thing with his tongue, then she would probably be forced to kill him.

“I meant,” he said, pausing so that he could run his tongue between her legs again, “once we’re allowed to leave.”

“You know that might be a while, right?” Samantha asked, worrying her bottom lip, wondering if he knew about-

“I heard,” he said, chuckling as she winced, trying not to think about the unfortunate incident that had occurred earlier when she’d made the mistake of answering the door when the mailman knocked.

“Are you mad?” she asked because she knew how hard it was for him to wait to see all those changes that he’d been learning about.

“No,” he simply said as he pressed a kiss bel

ow her navel before he made his way up her body.

“Why not?” she asked, worrying her bottom lip as he settled over her with one of those smiles that she loved so much.

“Because I have everything that I’ve always wanted right here.”


Williams Mansion

“Are you okay?” Marc, who was probably her favorite person on earth, asked from his spot on the floor.

“Fine,” Indie lied as her grip tightened around her blankets as her gaze shifted to the lamp on her nightstand only to remind herself that everything was okay.

She was safe.

Definitely safe.

But just in case she wasn’t….

She glanced back at the lamp that she really wanted to turn on, but-

There was a heavy sigh and then Marc was pushing his sleeping bag open, grabbing her iPad off the nightstand and climbing onto the large bed next to Charlie, who followed her everywhere.

“You want to watch a movie?” Marc asked as he reached over and turned the light on.

“Are you sure?” Indie asked, noting the time and couldn’t help but feel bad because she knew that he had school in the morning and he was going to be exhausted.
