Three hundred and fifty-four years was a long time to wait, Trace thought as he released a shaky breath when he spotted his father waiting for him. When Trace walked into the large foyer, his father’s eyes turned silver and-

His father reached over and grabbed him, pulling him roughly into his arms and held him tightly as Trace stood there, thinking about that moment when he took one last look at his father before he’d walked out of the cottage, all those times that he screamed his father’s name until his voice was raw, the moments when he would have done anything to see his father again, and-

He lost it.

One minute, he was standing there with his arms hanging by his sides and the next, he couldn’t seem to hold his father tight enough, couldn’t seem to catch his breath, and he couldn’t believe that it was finally over.

“I’m sorry, Father. I’m so sorry,” Trace said as held onto his father.

“Shhhh, it’s okay, Trace,” his father managed to get out, holding him just as tightly.

“I’m so sorry,” Trace said, wishing that he could go back to that moment even if it was only so that he could tell his father how much he loved him.

“I never stopped looking for you,” his father said hoarsely. “I never would have stopped until I found you.”

Chapter 46

Ten Days Later…

She was in real trouble here, Samantha thought as she opened her eyes and found herself smiling when she realized that she was sitting in another corner.

“You’re awake,” the man that had saved her life for the second time said as he pressed a kiss against her neck while she sat there, enjoying the way it felt to have his arms wrapped around her.

“Why are we on the floor?” she asked around a yawn since she was pretty sure that they’d actually made it to the bed last night.

“Bed was too soft,” Trace said as she felt his fingertip brush along the side of the beautiful wedding band that he’d given her last night.

“It was comfortable,” she mumbled as she laid her head back against his chest and closed her eyes.

“I’m more comfortable,” Trace said as she felt his hands slide over her stomach.

“Yes, you are,” she had to admit as she felt one hand move over her breast as his other hand slid between her legs and-

“Mmmm,” she couldn’t help but moan as he ran his fingers between her legs.

“I’m still mad at you,” he said as he continued teasing her.

“You are?” Samantha asked, licking her lips as she spread her legs further apart for him.

“Furious,” he murmured, caressing her breast as he slowly teased her clit with his fingertip.


“Everything,” he said, kissing her neck.

“Do you think you could it narrow it down for me?” she asked, licking her lips as she watched his hand move between her legs.

“I could…”

“But you’re not going to,” she guessed, feeling her lips pull up into a smile when the smart ass said, “It’s like we’re connected.”

“What if I did that thing that you like?” she asked, feeling him go still.

“Which thing that I like?”

“That thing that you really like that requires a bed,” she said, barely finished getting the words out when she suddenly found herself picked up off the floor and carried across the room. When Trace dropped her on the bed, she sat up to do that thing that he liked so much only to drop back on the bed with a moan as he did that thing that she really liked.

Everything turned red as she felt her fangs slide down as her husband slid his tongue inside her while she ran her fingers through his hair. He felt so good, she thought as he ran his hands over her stomach that was a lot smaller than it used to be.