“Turn over,” he said, already moving to help her.

As soon as she was on her back, he leaned down and ran his tongue between her legs, groaning at her taste as he shifted so that he was lying between her legs. She was so damn sweet, he thought, only to amend that thought to sweeter. She was sweeter than before, he thought, sliding his tongue inside her with a groan as her scent had him grinding his cock against the bed.

“Don’t stop,” Samantha moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair as her legs fell open and her hips rolled, riding his tongue.

With every moan and roll of her hips, the urge to bite her became stronger. He’d been able to ignore it before, too focused on the pleasure that she’d given him, but there was something about the way that she moved that made him want to sink his fangs in her.

He’d been able to fight his need to bite her, the need to mark her as he fucked her until now. Now, he needed to know what it felt like to sink his fangs in her soft skin as he slid his cock inside her. He ran his tongue between her legs one last time before he crawled up her body, kissing and licking his way as he went while the woman beneath him ran her hands over him.

As he pressed a kiss against her neck, he rolled his hips and-

“Oh, god, Trace,” his wife moaned as he slid inside her.

She was so fucking wet, Trace thought as he rolled his hips, sliding his cock inside her as she wrapped her legs around him. She was so fucking wet, he thought pulling back only to slide back inside and do it again and again, until he was fucking her harder and faster, each thrust earning a moan, a gasp, and a plea for more as he reached between them, cupping her breast in his hand as he buried his face against her neck.

He ground his teeth, fighting the urge to bite her only to find himself licking his lips as she let her legs fall open so that she could meet his thrusts. She felt so fucking good, he thought, unable to fuck her hard enough or fast enough as pleasure took over his body, sending intense pleasure through his cock as his fangs throbbed in his mouth, needing to bite her, needing to know if her blood was just as sweet as she was between her legs and-

A growl was torn from him when the first drop of blood hit his tongue.


A moan escaped her when she felt his fangs cut into her neck as he slid back inside her. It shouldn’t feel this good, Samantha thought, but as he slowed his thrusts into her so that he was slowly rolling his hips in time with the way his mouth moved on her neck, she couldn’t help but moan.

It felt so good, she thought, licking her lips as she ran one hand down his back and over his ass, using her hold to encourage him to keep going as she cupped the back of his head. She couldn’t help but moan as she rolled her hips to meet his thrusts and when her orgasm came, she couldn’t bite back the scream of pleasure that tore through her.

As she screamed his name, he released his hold on her breast and wrapped his arms around her, holding her closer as he released his bite so that he could kiss her as his thrusts became harder and faster until all she could do was wrap her arms around him and hold on as he sent her over the edge one last time.

Chapter 40

“I’m gonna go take a nap,” his wife mumbled sleepily as she snuggled closer to him but made no move to get up.

Unable to help but smile, Trace leaned down and pressed a kiss against her forehead as he said, “You want me to carry you, don’t you?”

“That really went without saying,” she said, even as she raised one small hand and gestured for him to get on with it.

Knowing better than to argue with his wife, especially when she was cranky, he wrapped his arms around her and stood up, ignoring the curious looks the shifter was sending his way and the murderous glares that her brother was sending him and carried his wife upstairs.

When he reached their room, he carefully placed her on the bed and sighed when the dog joined her, curling up next to her as Trace tucked her in. By the time that he leaned in and kissed her forehead, she was fast asleep. For a moment, he was tempted to join her but decided against it. She was exhausted and he knew that if he joined her that she wouldn’t get much sleep tonight.

With one last kiss, he quietly closed the door behind him and headed downstairs to find the shifter and Sentinel still eating…and still watching him.

Muttering, “Fucking asshole,” Nathan grabbed another slice of pizza as Trace sat down.

“How did you do that?” Kale asked, taking a bite of pizza as he continued to watch him.

“Do what?” Trace asked, debating getting a bag of cold blood, but after tasting his wife’s blood…

Her blood had been intoxicating.

It had been rich, hot, and sweet, a little too sweet. It had been like drinking warm cider laced with honey. As much as he’d enjoyed her blood, Trace would never be able to consume a lot of it. He had a feeling that drinking Sentinel blood would be like drinking pure honey, something that he wasn’t interested in finding out. Now shifter blood on the other hand…

He could definitely survive on shifter blood, Trace thought as he met the shifter’s curious gaze. “How did you mark her without losing control?” Kale asked as the Sentinel continued to glare.

“I don’t know,” Trace lied.

When he’d scented her blood in the woods, he’d lost control because the scent of her blood had been overwhelming. When he bit her last night, her scent never got the chance to take him by surprise. The first drop hit his tongue before her scent did, and once it did, he’d been in complete control, focused on the woman moaning his name and just how good she felt. The scent that she gave off was just enough to tease him, but her blood was just sweet enough to stop him from losing control. He had a feeling the Sentinel glaring at him had something to do with it.

“Why aren’t you eating?” the Sentinel asked, gesturing towards the pizza.