She needed to figure out a few things for herself like what she was going to do now that her life here was over. There was no way that she could stay here, not after everything that happened. Not that she wanted to stay, Samantha thought as she laid there, bored out of her freaking mind. There was nothing here for her. Never was and now…

Now she needed to stop thinking about Trace, Samantha thought, shaking her head in disgust. She should just leave, but that wasn’t an option and it had nothing to do with the asshole that had abandoned

her. She’d made a promise to stay with Trace until his father got here and she planned on keeping that promise.

He’d saved her life.

If it hadn’t been for him, they would have killed her. One way or another, she would have ended up in that wall and Nathan…

Nathan never would have had the chance to leave her in here with nothing to do except stare at the wall and think about a man that didn’t want anything to do with her. That was fine, Samantha told herself as she sighed and began the ten-second process of turning over onto her other side. Determined to stop thinking about Trace and how much she missed being in his arms, the way he held her, and-

Bit back a scream when she suddenly found a large hand placed over her mouth.

“Shhh,” Nathan said as he turned on a small flashlight and pulled his hand away so that he could gesture for her to be quiet.

Frowning, she watched as he gestured towards the door as he mouthed something that looked suspiciously like, “Hemorrhoids need bowing.”

“What?” Samantha asked, wondering what the hell he was doing.

His eyes narrowed on her as he once again gestured towards the door as he reached for her and pulled her off the bed and once again mouthed something that she couldn’t quite understand.

At her blank look, he looked like he wanted to strangle her. When she looked between him and the door, he leaned in with a murderous glare and whispered so softly that she almost missed it, “We need to go.”

“Why are you whispering?” Samantha asked, mostly to annoy him because really, that was all she had going for her at the moment as he ground his jaw.

“Because I didn’t want the asshole to change his mind,” Nathan said as he pressed two fingers against her forehead and pushed her back down on the bed, earning a roll of her eyes and a, “What?”

“The asshole,” Nathan said, flicking on the bedroom lights as she sat there frowning, he grabbed her bag off the floor and tossed it on the bed next to her as her gaze automatically went to the little bastard that Nathan left with her with the suggestion that she use this time to bond with the asshole.

“Not the dog,” Nathan said, sighing heavily as he threw her stuff on her bag.

“Then who are you talking about?” Samantha asked with a sigh of her own as she reached over and shoved her stuff in the bag, wondering why he needed to manhandle her underwear when his next words had her going still.

“Trace. I want to get the hell out of here before he changes his mind,” Nathan said as her gaze went to the closed bedroom door, wondering if he was in the other room.

“He’s not there,” Nathan said, reading her mind.

“Where is he?” Samantha asked as she watched Nathan head to the bathroom to get the rest of her stuff.

“He’s been staying in the cottage and only coming in when he needs a shower or blood,” Nathan said as he walked back into the bedroom with his arms full of her stuff.

“Since when?”

“Since yesterday,” he said as he tossed her stuff on the bed.

“And you let him?” Samantha asked, shaking her head in disgust as she shoved the bag out of her way and jumped off the bed, seriously wondering what the hell he’d been thinking.

“What exactly did you expect me to do, Sam?” he asked, glancing around the room to make sure that he got everything.

“We’re supposed to be looking after him until his father gets here,” she reminded him as she headed for the door and-

“Oh, that’s not fucking happening,” he said, picking her up and placing her back on the bed.

“Yeah, it really is,” Samantha said, shaking her head in disgust as she moved to get up again only to have the asshole that only acknowledged her existence when she had food, nip at her until she was forced to pull her legs back up on the bed and glare.

“Look,” Nathan said, grabbing her stuff off the bed and shoving it in the bag, “I have enough shit to do with keeping you out of trouble and patrolling town to make sure that this fucked up situation doesn’t end up getting us killed to babysit a fucking Pyte.”

“I made a promise, Nathan,” Samantha said, moving to climb off the bed only to curse when Charlie nipped at her feet, again.