“Six days,” Kale said as Trace stood up, absently nodding as he headed for the door, deciding that he’d given the Sentinel more than enough time to say goodbye. He headed towards the door and-

“You don’t remember me, do you?”

“Should I?” Trace asked, glancing back at the shifter as he opened the door.

“Probably not,” Kale murmured absently as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and stared down at it, something that Trace noticed that he did often.

Throwing the shifter one last curious glance, Trace stepped outside just as the Sentinel threw the backdoor open and-

“Goddamn it!” Nathan roared as he slammed the door shut behind him.

For a moment, Trace considered following him and finding out if Sentinel blood was really as dangerous as his father claimed only to have his attention drawn back to the house where his heartbroken wife was-


Attacking her brother, Trace belatedly realized, blinking as he tried to make sense out of what he was seeing.

“You ungrateful little son of a bitch!” his wife yelled as she pulled her bare foot back and-


Cried out when she made contact with her brother’s leg.

Sighing, Nathan went to help her only to back up with his hands held up when she leveled a murderous glare on him. “Do you have any idea what I went through? Huh? Do you?” Samantha demanded, her sore foot quickly forgotten as she went after her brother.

“They were going to kill me and all I could think about was trying to figure out a way to save your ungrateful ass!”

“Sammie, I-”

There was an outraged gasp and then…

“You don’t ever get to call me that again! Do you hear me? Do you?” Samantha demanded as she shoved the large Sentinel back.

“I was trying to protect you!” Nathan snapped, reaching for her only to have his hands slapped away.

“By leaving me by myself? You were going to leave me alone in a town that I hate with that asshole?” she demanded, gesturing towards the dog that was watching them, looking bored.

“Charlie loves you!”

“Charlie’s an asshole!” Samantha snapped back with another shove that had the Sentinel stumbling back.

“This area is safe. I made sure of it. That’s why I wanted

you back here. There hasn’t been a Pack in this area in over a hundred years,” Nathan explained while Trace stood there, shaking his head in pity.

“God, he really is a fucking idiot,” Kale said, sighing heavily as he joined him.

“Oh, there hasn’t been?” Samantha demanded in sputtered outrage with another shove. “Then explain the six assholes that tried to shove me in a tomb with him!” she yelled, gesturing wildly towards Trace while he stood, wondering if he should do something.

Nathan opened his mouth only to grunt when Samantha shoved him back. “I never would have come back here! I hate this damn town! I hate my job and I hate the fact that I had to cancel my Netflix account so that I could pay for a stupid roof for the house that I hate!”

“I was going to take care of that, Sammie,” Nathan said, making him wince.

“How exactly were you going to take care of that when you were supposed to be dead, huh?” she demanded with another shove.

“I made sure that you were set for life,” Nathan said with another grunt as she shoved him back again.

Shaking her head in disgust, Samantha said, “I don’t want your money. I want my brother, you dumb son of a-Ow!” she cried out when she stepped on a rock, but she didn’t let that stop her.