“I’m fine,” she mumbled even as she couldn’t help but feel like she was forgetting something.

“Then why the hell did they call me at two in the morning,” a very angry, and unfortunately for her, very familiar, voice bit out.

Telling herself that it was a bad idea, Samantha found herself opening her eyes and immediately wishing that she hadn’t when she spotted Craig, his normally neatly combed dirty-blonde hair was a mess, his clothes were wrinkled, and he looked really unhappy to see her as he stood against the wall, glaring down at her.

“W-what are you doing here?” she asked, glancing at Dr. Adams to find him watching her with a pitying look.

“You never changed your emergency contact,” Dr. Adams explained as Samantha’s attention was brought back to the man glaring down at her.

“Oh,” she mumbled weakly only to frown because that still didn’t explain why Craig was here. Those few unfortunate times when she’d succumbed to the need to blackout when they were together, they’d called him only to have Craig tell them that he was busy and that she’d be fine.

“Thankfully, you don’t have any fractures, but it looks like you have a pretty bad concussion. I’d like to keep you overnight just to keep an eye on you. I’m going to prescribe a painkiller that should help you sleep. With plenty of rest, you should be fine,” Dr. Adams said, and after a slight hesitation where it looked like he wanted to say something else, he gave her a pitying smile, the same one that he used whenever he explained that it wasn’t a good idea to give her a promotion that she was more than qualified for.

Once he was gone…

She found herself ignoring the man that had done everything within his power to humiliate her as she glanced around the curtained-off exam room and couldn’t help but frown. There was something at the back of her mind telling her that something wasn’t right, that she was forgetting about something and-

“Oh…god…” she mumbled weakly as it all came back to her, the men in the basement, the screams, the pain, the tomb with small bones littering the floor and claw marks marking the walls, and-

“Trace!” Samantha gasped, moving to sit up only to get knocked back down when the move proved to be too much. Laying back down with a groan, she glanced around the room, looking for him as she tried not to panic.

He was fine, she told herself.

He had to be because if anything happened to him, she would-

“I’ve been trying to call you,” Craig said, leveling a glare on her


“About what?” Samantha absently asked, barely paying attention to the man that she’d wasted too many years on as she worried her bottom lip, wondering if Nathan was looking after Trace.

“The engagement ring.”

“What about it?” she asked absently as she glanced back at the curtains, hoping that Nathan hadn’t brought Trace to the hospital, not when he could barely handle being around the people that delivered her groceries without wanting to rip their throats out, which was something that they’d been working on. Now when they came, he only growled, which she was taking as progress.

“I’m going to need you to pay for it,” Craig said, making her frown only to make her wonder if she was dreaming because there was no way that he could be this stupid.

“Beth wants a new ring and the store is refusing to give me my money back.”

Apparently, he could.

“Umm, you want me to pay for a ring that I didn’t pick out, only wore for a few months, and gave back to you as soon as I found out that you were cheating on me?”

“Yes,” he bit out, looking pissed.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Samantha said on a gasp when her head started hurting again and she found herself closing her eyes and-

“Ow!” she said, wincing when he grabbed her arm and gave it a squeeze.

“I’m not playing around, Sam,” Craig bit out as she opened her eyes and felt the air rush out of her lungs when she saw the very large and very angry man that she’d been worried sick about lean in close to Craig’s ear and whisper, “Get your hand off my wife…Now.”

Noticeably swallowing, Craig slowly turned his head and whimpered when Trace allowed his eyes to turn red and his fangs slowly slid down as the unmistakable sounds of bones breaking echoed throughout the room. As soon as Craig released her arm and began screaming, Nathan was there, knocking him out with one punch and-

Making her roll her eyes when she spotted that pleased expression on his face again before her attention shifted back to Trace as the murderous glare on his face softened when he looked at her.

“Are you okay?” Trace asked softly as he gently ran his fingers through her hair as she noted the strain around his eyes and that he looked paler than before.

“My head hurts,” she said softly.