When the Sentinel grabbed Samantha’s hand and pulled her out of the room, Trace was forced to watch her go. When he felt blood dripping down his neck as the deafening noise was suddenly replaced by a low hum and the pain in his ears suddenly exploded, he pushed himself to his feet and went after his wife.


“What’s going on?” Samantha managed to get out as the headache that hadn’t gotten any better over the past few weeks suddenly turned into a migraine that had her head spinning while the house alarm that she didn’t remember setting continued to blare as Nathan dragged her down the stairs.

“We need to move faster,” Nathan said as he pulled her down the stairs faster until she was left stumbling as she tried to keep up and the sound of a roar tore through the house, causing her head to pound harder with every ear-shattering decibel.

“I-I need to lay down,” she said, trying to pull her hand free only to have Nathan tighten his hold around her hand and-

Shoved her behind him when the alarm suddenly stopped, and she realized that they weren’t alone. Swallowing hard against the nausea threatening to take over, she watched as a large man with cold green eyes pushed away from the wall.

“What the hell are you doing here, Kale?” Nathan asked, keeping his eyes locked on the large man walking towards them as he reached back with his other hand and pulled her away from the stairs before stepping back, forcing her to move with him as her legs threatened to give out.

“Came for the Pyte,” came the lazily drawled words with a slight brogue as Samantha found herself being shoved back again and-

“Mine,” came the softly growled word that had her looking back over her shoulder and swallowing hard when she spotted Trace standing at the top of the stairs. His red eyes locked on her as he headed down the stairs and she found herself grabbing onto Nathan’s arm and trying to pull him towards the door, knowing that their only chance was to find a place to hide.

“Change of plans,” Kale said as she suddenly found herself pulled away from Nathan.

“Get your fucking hands off her, mutt,” Nathan bit out as he reached for her only to have Kale wrap his arm around her and pull her back.

“Let me go,” Samantha mumbled weakly, as she watched Trace turn his head to follow the move.

“Didn’t they ever teach you not to come between a Pyte and its mate?” Kale asked as he slowly backed up, taking Samantha with him and making her really wish that he’d move faster when Trace’s eyes narrowed on them. Nathan pulled out his gun and stepped in front of them, keeping pace with Kale as they kept moving back.

“W-we should probably hide,” she said, squeezing her eyes tightly shut when her head began spinning, threatening to drop her on her ass.

“She’s not his mate,” Nathan bit out as her legs gave out and she felt the large arm around her tighten as she heard a door open behind them.

“I-I really don’t feel so good,” Samantha said as she moved to get free only to have Kale turn her around and pick her up.

“Tell that to him,” Kale said as Samantha was forced to bite her lip to stop herself from crying. God, her head hurt so much.

“I’m telling you,” Nathan said as she felt herself carried downstairs.

“What are you doing here, Lukas?”

“Came to get my sister.”

“Well, that’s going to be a problem,” Kale said as she heard a growl erupt around them and-

“Don’t fucking do it, Quinn,” Nathan bit out as she felt Kale shift her in his arms seconds before he laid her down on what felt like a cold metal floor.

It felt good against her aching head, Samantha thought numbly as she opened her eyes and watched Kale shove Nathan through the open door and pulled him out of the way seconds before Trace stepped inside the cell and the door was slammed shut behind him.

Chapter 29

“Open the fucking door!”

“Not happening,” the shifter that Trace was going to kill said as he ignored the Sentinel’s shouted demand while Trace focused on the small woman in his arms as she whimpered and her hold on his arms tightened to the point of pain.

Trace allowed his eyes to turn red in warning as he carefully tightened his hold around his wife as he stood up. He carried her to the door of the cell that he’d found himself in a few minutes ago and said, “Open the door.”

“Tell me something,” the shifter drawled with a gleam in his eye as he leaned his shoulder against the cell, “why are you here?”

“Open. The. Door,” Trace bit out, as he kept his

gaze locked on the shifter that was giving off an overwhelming scent that left no doubt in Trace’s mind that he was dealing with an Alpha. The way the shifter allowed his eyes to flash silver only confirmed it.