“No,” he said evenly, returning to rubbing his temples as he continued to glare at the small woman that he’d planned on staying away from and if the sounds of humans screaming mixed with growls hadn’t piqued his curiosity, he would still be ignoring her…and thinking about her.

He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

If it had been her scent, he simply would have drained her and been done with it. There was something about her that drew him. He’d wondered if it was simply because she was the first woman that he’d seen in centuries. He’d thought about that a lot, wondering if he would have reacted this way if a different woman had been in that cellar with him.

Over the last few days, he’d found himself thinking about her, thinking about the few women that he’d scented delivering packages to the house and the naked women that he saw that day on the flat box. Several times, he found himself closing his eyes as he pulled his cock free and ran his hand over it, thinking about the way the naked women had moaned, their breasts, how they’d touched each other while they’d begged to be fucked and-


But then he thought about the woman currently driving him crazy and each and every time his cock would harden. He would think about what he wanted to do to her, taking his time so that he didn’t miss anything, needing to savor every last touch, and-

“What about a scratch?” Samantha asked, making him pause mid-rub.

“No,” he bit out, watching as she nodded, seeming lost in thought as she murmured, “That’s good to know at least.”

“Are you done?” he asked.

“Probably not,” she admitted, sighing heavily as she got up and returned her attention to whatever it was that she was cooking while he sat there, unable to help himself when he said, “As long as they didn’t touch you, you should be fine.”

“What?” Samantha asked hollowly as she slowly turned around to face him while he sat there, forced to bite back a smile.

“They…they didn’t touch you, did they?” he asked with a pitying look as he watched as her mouth worked soundlessly before she closed it, noticeably swallowed, worried her bottom lip between her teeth and finally mumbled, “No?”

Nodding, Trace reached over and helped himself to her abandoned Coke and was forced to bite back another smile when she said, “Let’s say that they did, ummm, what would happen?”

“You mean besides the fleas?”


“And the rash.”


Nodding, he said, “Well, then there’s the lice.”

“Lice?” she mumbled weakly as she absently scratched her arm.

“That comes before the welts,” he said with a sad shake of his head.

“W-welts?” she said, looking a little panicked as she continued to absently scratch her arm.

“As long as you haven’t noticed any unusual itching, you should be fine,” he said, watching as that hand that had been scratching her arm suddenly went still and…

“I’ll be right back,” Samantha mumbled, licking her lips nervously as she casually headed for the kitchen door and once she reached the hallway, he listened as she ran, stumbled, cursed, and mumbled, “Please don’t let there be a rash,” all the way upstairs.

For a moment, Trace simply sat there finishing off her Coke, contemplating going upstairs only to decide that he’d tell her about the green dots later when he felt like annoying her again.

God, he loved being married, he thought, as he watched his blushing bride come stumbling back into the kitchen with a, “I really do hate you.”


“Aren’t you supposed to be in jail?” Trace asked as he glanced up from the board game that his wife was teaching him how to play to find her sadly shaking her head with a sighed, “I’m really going to need you to pay attention here.”

Eyes narrowing on his wife, he glanced back down at the board game and then back up at her to find her sitting there, trying to appear innocent. Frowning, he glanced back down at the board and-

“When did you buy Park Place?” he demanded because he’d had his eye on it for a while, knowing that sooner or later, she would land on it.

“What are you talking about? I bought it a long time ago,” Samantha said with another sad sigh as she reached for the dice and-