Immediately pulled his hand back when Ethan’s eyes turned silver. “Where’s Caine?” Ethan asked as he stood up, coming between her and the large man that she was kind of hopin

g was here to kill her.

Everything hurt.

“He needed to get back to Danni,” he said as Indie closed her eyes, unable to help but notice how incredibly sexy his voice was.

“What’s your name, human?” Ethan asked as Indie curled into herself, biting her lip to stop herself from sobbing when the trembling started again.

“Noah. I’m a doctor,” the newcomer said as Indie opened her eyes again so that she could pull another blanket over her only to realize that she could barely move.

Nodding, Ethan asked, “Do you know what I’ll do to you if she dies?”

Grinding his jaw, Noah met his glare as he said, “I have a pretty good idea.”

“Then fix her,” Ethan said, stepping aside just as everything went black.


“No,” the small woman that was terrifying him mumbled weakly as Ethan pulled back the blankets they’d piled on top of her and-

“She’s burning up!” Ethan snapped with an accusing glare aimed at the human who’d better fucking fix this.

“Look, I don’t know what she is, but from everything that I’m seeing, I would say that we’re dealing with the flu,” Noah said, frowning down at Indie as Ethan stood there, wondering what the hell was taking the shifter so long.

“She’s not fucking human,” Ethan said, glancing back down at Indie as she tried to curl into herself as the trembling that he’d thought had stopped started all over again.

“Then, what is she?”

“I don’t fucking know,” Ethan said as he turned her over and gently pulled her shirt down so that he could check her freshly stitched incision, making sure that it still looked good.

“It’s not infected,” the man that had calmly dug the tracker out of Indie’s back while Ethan thought that he was going to lose his fucking mind as he’d been forced to hold her down as she’d cried, begging him to stop, said.

“It’s not healing,” Ethan said, wondering why it was taking so long to close.

“It’s only been a few hours,” Noah said, applying more ointment to the incision before he covered it again.

“She should be healing,” Ethan said, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck as he looked from the small woman who looked so fucking helpless to the blade that he’d dipped in holy oil and-

She had to have demon blood, but the question was, what kind?

“What are you doing?” Noah asked as Ethan rolled Indie back over and pushed her lips apart, looking for any hint of a fang only to shift his attention to her ears, looking for marks, points, or anything that would tell him what he was dealing with as he noted just how hot her skin was.

“Checking for marks,” Ethan said, grabbing hold of the shirt that he’d changed her into after the tracker had been taken out and raised it so that he could search her torso for any of the marks that would let him know what type of demon that he was dealing with only to release a curse when he didn’t find anything.

“Whatever she is, we need to bring her temperature down quickly,” Noah said, reaching for her only to step out of the way when Ethan picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

“Do whatever you would do for her if she was human,” Ethan said, carrying her towards the large tub and-

“No. Please don’t. I promise I won’t do it again,” Indie started mumbling when she spotted the large tub, making him frown since she hadn’t batted an eye when he’d handcuffed her to the tub and shown her the bag that normally left grown men trembling a few days ago.

“She’s delusional,” Noah said, moving past them and turned on the tub, setting it to cold.

“Wait. No, no, no, no, please,” Indie mumbled in a rush as the scent of her terror reached him.

“Shhh, mo stoirín,” Ethan whispered softly as he went to place her on the edge of the tub only to pick her back up with a curse when she took him by surprise.

One minute, she laid limp in his arms, and the next, she was fighting him with everything she had, screaming, wiggling, shoving, and kicking until he was left with no choice but to toe-off his shoes and carry her into the tub.