Chapter 13

Rerum, New Hampshire

“Did you miss me, Angel?”

“This really can’t be happening,” Jill said, shaking her head in disbelief even as she shoved herself back away from the asshole that had played her so well. She pressed her back against the door and-

“It’s locked,” Logan said, sounding amused as she shifted to the right so that she could press her back against the soft leather seat and moved to put her feet down only to realize that she was too short to reach the floor.

Short girl problems, Jill thought with disgust as she shifted so that she could place her feet on the seat and worked her cuffed hands beneath her, biting back a groan as she brought her feet back and-

“How long have you had a Sentinel watching you?” Logan asked, drawing her attention to the seriously pissed off man standing outside her door.

“Oh, crap,” Jill mumbled with a wince when she realized who it was.

“Open up, buttercup,” Lukas, the Sentinel that had been assigned to watch over Rerum and who she secretly suspected had a stick up his ass, drawled as she sat there, closing her eyes in resignation because this was only going to end badly for her.

“Looks like this will have to wait, Angel,” the man that had ruined everything said and before she had a chance to ask him what he was talking about, the door behind her was yanked open and she found herself pulled out of the car and shoved behind the large man that had taken it upon himself to make her life a living hell.

“Fucking leech,” the large Sentinel bit out, as she shifted her focus to her cuffed hands only to end up sighing when she realized that she’d left her bag in the car that was currently driving away and leaving her to face the jerk with nothing better to do than glare at her, which he was currently doing.

“Thank you,” Jill said, resigning herself to whatever lecture she was about to get so that she could call it a night, go home and…

She honestly had no idea what she was going to do now.

“That was unbelievably stupid,” Lukas noted with a heavy sigh as he grabbed hold of her arm and began walking, giving her no choice but to do her best to keep up or risk being dragged through the streets and something told her that he really didn’t care either way.

“Thought you learned your lesson,” Lukas drawled, as he continued to head down the street.

“I didn’t do anything,” Jill said with a heavy sigh, as they walked towards the old fire station.

“Really? Because it looked like you were meeting with your Master in my town,” Lukas said dryly, as they walked over to the large side door and in seconds, he was dragging her inside and towards the back stairs.

“He’s not my Master,” Jill said, wondering why she was even bothering to have this conversation.

“That mark on your neck says otherwise,” Lukas said absently, as he led her through the large gym that he’d set up on the first floor where they used to park the old fire trucks.

This place had been empty since she was a kid and the town had realized that it couldn’t afford the upkeep of the old building and decided to house the fire department and the police department in one building. There had been some talk of tearing it down a few times over the years, some interest in turning it into a restaurant, but until Lukas moved into town last year, it had remained empty. Her grandmother offered him a room at the old house, but he’d declined and instead bought this old place so that he could be closer to town. She had a feeling that he’d done it to keep a closer eye on her.

“I thought you knew better than to bring leeches into my town,” Lukas said, heading towards the cast-iron stairs.

“I have no idea why he’s here,” Jill said, stumbling after him as he gave her no choice but to follow him up the stairs. “Maybe you should be having this conversation with him instead?” she suggested, wondering why he’d grabbed her instead of Logan since he was on the Sentinel’s most wanted list.

“Because you’re the problem,” Lukas said, leading her through a large kitchen and headed towards the…

“Wait! What are you doing?” she asked, trying to pull her arm free only to have him tighten his hold and quicken his pace.

“You’re going to stay here until your father comes to fetch you or the Council sends someone to arrest you. Personally, I don’t care which one happens as long as you’re out of my town,” Lukas said, sounding bored as he dragged her to the first steel enforced door.

“What the hell are you talking about? This is my home!” Jill said, struggling not to panic, but as they drew closer to that door at the end of the small hallway, it became harder to breathe.

“This isn’t your home, Miss Williams,” he explained as he punched in a code to unlock the thick metal door. “You were an unwanted guest in my town, but as long as you behaved yourself and stayed out of trouble, I was willing to allow you to stay. You wore out your welcome the moment that you brought your Master into my town and put my people in danger.”

“I didn’t invite him!” Jill yelled, desperately trying to get away, but he simply ignored her efforts, opened the door when the lock clicked free and pushed her inside.

“You didn’t have to,” Lukas said, releasing her so that he could pull his phone out of his back pocket. “You’re his property, which means that he has a right to be where you are and that, Miss Williams, will not be in my town.”

“You can’t do this!” Jill said, trying to make him see reason. “I grew up here. My grandmother’s here and-”