
“It’s the engine. It makes the car go,” Samantha said even as she decided that it might be a good idea to shut the radio off for now.

“Okay,” he said, nodding as his hold on her door tightened and-


“Apologies,” he murmured, shooting her a sheepish look as he forced himself to relax his hold.

“Okay, we’re about to move so just try to relax, okay? I’m going to go as slow as I can, but we have to go now,” she said, right around the time that her oil tank blew.

After a brief hesitation, he nodded.

With that, she put the car in drive, took her foot off the break and-

“Bloody hell!” he yelled, adding that extra touch that she needed to bring her pounding headache back up to a migraine as she let the car roll forward, deciding that it would probably be for the best if she eased him into this.

“Are you okay?” she asked, noting that she was barely going ten miles an hour as she glanced over to find him glaring back at her through red eyes as he held on for dear life.

Noticeably swallowing, he nodded after a slight hesitation.

Matching his nod with one of her own, she checked the rear-view mirror and realized that it probably wouldn’t be long before someone saw the smoke and called the fire department.

“Okay, then if you think you’re ready, I’m going to see how you handle going fifteen miles an hour,” Samantha said, pressing on the gas and hoped for the best.

Chapter 11

Williams Mansion

“If you could stop staring that would be great,” Kara, the latest addition to the Williams household, drawled as she grabbed another one of those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that her mate made for her as Kale sat there trying to figure out why he couldn’t sense the twin that she should be carrying.

“It’s getting creepy,” Izzy said absently from where she lounged on the couch next to him with her back propped up against the stack of pillows he’d placed against the armrest for her, her legs thrown over his, a large bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and a baby monitor by her side, and an iPad in her hands.

“It really is,” Cloe agreed from the other couch where she was slowly savoring another Hostess cherry pie, knowing that it could be her last.

She wouldn’t be able to eat anything again until the next time she was pregnant and she damn well better not get pregnant again, Kale thought, fucking exhausted just thinking about the past month he’d spent keeping her safe. Any other Pyte and he wouldn’t have bothered, but he’d made the decision to protect her, and that meant breaking the promise he’d made to his sister, something that he never thought that he would do.

“I can’t sense a twin,” Drew said as he stared intently at the soft swell of his mate’s belly, trying to figure out why they couldn’t scent the twin who was supposed to be there to mask the unborn Sentinel’s scent and make his birth possible.

“It has to be there, but I can’t sense him,” Drew said, frowning.

“That’s because it’s a girl,” Christofer, their resident ion, said absently from where he sat on the floor by his mate’s side, not bothering to look up from the sketchpad on his lap only to add, “and she’s an Alpha,” after a slight hesitation.

Kale caught the pleased expression on the shifter’s face before he leaned over and kissed his mate while Kale sat there wondering if they had any idea how lucky they were. As an impure descended from Sentinels, she was rare, very rare, add her Alpha status on top of that and it was guaranteed that she would never have to worry about losing a child. They would all be born strong, but more importantly, they’d all be born Alphas, something that had every Pack on earth salivating to get their hands on her, because the mating rules didn’t apply to her. Any shifter could get her pregnant, but they’d all be Alphas, something that they could use to make their Packs stronger.

Normally, the first few pregnancies for a shifter were always difficult, but the babies that were unfortunate enough to be born human during those pregnancies didn’t stand a chance.

His mother had twenty miscarriages and lost five children their first year before she’d had him. She’d managed to have ten healthy children before he’d made the biggest mistake of his life, Kale thought as his gaze landed on the reminder of everything that he’d lost. He watched as Marc walked into the room with little Jessica doing her best to keep up with the boy. He felt the rage that was never far from the surface rise as the boy who was only a few years away from becoming unstoppable met his gaze head-on.

“Did you just growl?” Cloe asked, frowning as Kale allowed his eyes to shift silver and his fangs to slide down as he-

The bag of peanut butter cups hit him in the head, drawing his attention from the boy trying not to show fear to find Izzy glaring at him. “Behave,” she warned with a murderous glare that had him rolling his eyes as he helped himself to the bag of peanut butter cups that he was keeping.

“Wait. Those are mine,” Izzy said, struggling to sit up so that she could steal his chocolate.

“Mine now,” Kale said, popping a peanut butter cup in his mouth as he shifted his attention to the large Pyte walking into the room, absently noting the strain on the Pyte’s face as he unwrapped another peanut butter cup.

If he didn’t know better, Kale would have thought the strain of watching his mate and unborn child dying was taking its toll on the Pyte, but he did know better. He also knew that the Pyte was about to ask for a favor that he was more than happy to accept.