“I will douse the fire,” Wayan Bagus said. “It will be my contribution. I will douse the fire with sand.”

Wayan Bagus went to gather sand and Vernon wandered off to mark his territory.

Emerson had all the food bagged for hanging. “I should be back in ten minutes,” he said to Riley. “If you have a sudden urge to take off all your clothes, just give me a shout-out.”

“And what would you do?”

“I suppose I would have a dilemma. On the one hand I would want to come back to look. On the other hand I would want to be sensitive to your puritanical sense of modesty.”

“Excuse me? Puritanical?”

“Obviously you have a problem with nudity.”

“It’s not a ‘problem.’?”

“I’m merely stating what I’ve observed,” Emerson said. “You seem bothered by nudity.”

“And you aren’t?”

“Not at all. I’m very secure about my body.”

“Well great. If you’re so secure, you should take your clothes off.”


“You heard me,” Riley said. “And the more I think about it, the more I think it’s a great idea. I don’t like that you’ve seen me naked, and I haven’t seen you.”

“That contradicts what you said earlier when I asked if you wanted me to come to bed naked.”

“It’s not at all contradictory. I don’t want you rolling around naked next to me. I simply want to get a good look.”

“That would be awkward,” Emerson said.

“Not at all,” Riley said. “I wouldn’t feel at all awkward. It would be…enlightening.”

“Okay, so if I let you get a good look, would it lead to something?”

“Would you want it to?”

“I believe I would,” Emerson said.

“You’re not sure?”

“There might be things to consider.”

“Such as?”


“You didn’t pack any?” Riley asked.

“They weren’t on the essentials list in the guidebook.”

Vernon ambled out of the brush. “I’m empty,” he said. “I got halfway around and ran dry. If I just had a couple beers I could finish the job.”

“Confucius wrote that it does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop,” Wayan Bagus said.

“Yessir, Little Buddy,” Vernon said. “That sure is more sage advice. That’s always been my mode of operandi.”