“Well, look who’s here,” Lula said. “It’s my friend Stephanie.”

Winkle gave a sound that was like a bull snorting. He had an empty plate in front of him, and there was ketchup everywhere. He was working on a basket of French fries.

“This is my new friend Eugene Winkle,” Lula said to me.

Eugene gave another snort and shoved French fries into his mouth.

“Is Eugene ready to party?” I asked Lula.

“Eugene’s thinking about it,” Lula said. “He’s gotta finish his fries first.”

“Did you tell Eugene about the deal?”

Eugene looked at me. “What deal?”

“Lula likes handcuffs.”

“Yeah,” Lula said. “I’m thinking about going into dominatrixing. I like to give a little and then I like to get a little.”

“Oh yeah?” he said. “What do you like to get?”

“I’m pretty much into spanking,” Lula said. “Are you any good at that?”

“Do I have to get spanked first?”


“And then I get to spank you?”


He shoved a wad of French fries into his mouth. “Let’s go.”

“First we have to cuff you,” I said.

He threw a twenty down on the counter and held his hands out. “Do it. This is going to be good. I’m going to spank you hard when it’s my turn.”

“I like that,” Lula said. “Nothing I like better than a hard spanker.” She looked over at me. “Make sure you pull those plasti-cuffs real tight.”

I had them around Winkle’s wrist, and I went for a second. “I’m doing double.”

“What are you going

to use?” he wanted to know. “Are you going to use a switch or a paddle?”

I looked at Lula and read her mind. She was thinking she would use a couple thousand volts of electricity.

We walked Winkle to my car and secured him into the backseat. He had his hands double cuffed behind his back. Lula was in the front seat with her hand wrapped around the stun gun in her purse. I had one eye on the road and one eye on Winkle in my rearview mirror. If he somehow managed to get out of the cuffs I was going to stop the car, jump out, and run like hell.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“I got a place on Clinton Street,” Lula said.

“I don’t like Clinton Street,” Winkle said. “That’s where the police station is. Hey, wait a minute…”

“Drive faster,” Lula said to me. “A lot faster.”

“I think you tricked me,” Winkle said. “You don’t want to get spanked. I bet you’re cops. I don’t like this. I don’t like being tricked.”