“It guides me.”

“Have you ever thought about seeing a healthcare professional? I could find someone who would help you better understand the power of the amulet.”

“Healthcare is just another way of allowing employers and the government to control you. What’s the first thing they do when you step into a doctor’s office? They take your clothes. It’s a power grab. A naked man has no power.”

Clearly he doesn’t know Ranger.

“So what does the amulet think about all the fleas?” I asked him.

“You know about the fleas? How could you know about the fleas?” He had a grip on the amulet, and red spots had popped out on his cheeks. “What else do you know?”

“I know about Unit 731.”

I was taking a winger here, but I thought why not? Throw it out and see if it goes somewhere.

“A hideous misuse of scientific experiment,” Pooka said. “The primary function of that program was to satisfy the prurient needs of a man who couldn’t get an erection.”

“I hadn’t heard about that part.”

“It’s blatantly obvious. The program could have been brilliant, but it was mired in sadomasochistic gratification.”

“Okay. Whatever.”

“That wasn’t even the most egregious part. It was all so crude and unimaginative. And they had wonderful pathogens like the plague, and they disseminated it in clay pots. Clay pots! Shame on them. The plague deserves better.”

“The plague deserves fireworks.”


I was trying to look like I was really into this, but my skin had the creepy crawlies and had broken out in goosebumps.

Kenny came up behind Pooka.

“Here I am,” Kenny said. “Right on time. I’m very punctual.”

Pooka turned to him. “Who is this?”

“He’s sort of my date,” I said. “By the way, did you kill Harry Getz?”

“There are no answers,” Pooka said. “There are only questions.”

He whirled around and left, taking the stairs.

“Who was that?” Kenny asked. “He was wearing pajamas.”

“It’s complicated.”

By eight o’clock Kenny and I decided we had nothing in common. He ordered an appletini and I had beer. He ate sushi and I had a burger. He watched PBS and I watched ESPN.

He dropped me off at my door and asked if I’d stun gun him if he tried to kiss me. I said yes, and he shook my hand and left.


I WAS LYING in bed wondering if I should just stay there all day, and a text message came in. It was from Lula saying she thinks my doorbell must be broken, because she’s at my door, and I’m not opening it.

I dragged myself out of bed and opened the door for her.

“You look like you just woke up,” Lula said.