“Should I stop filming?” Lula asked.

“Yes. Get into the car.”

I retraced my route to Broad and parked in front of the hardware store. I went into the store, bought high rubber boots, and drove back to Blatzo’s house.

“I don’t know if those boots are snake-proof,” Lula said. “What if you come on a snake with big fangs? Or a jumping snake?”

I got out of the car and put the boots on. “This time I’ll watch where I’m walking.”

“Do you want me to film?”

“I don’t care.”

“You sound cranky,” Lula said.

“I’m a little stressed.”

“You’ll feel better after the pizza party.”

“The pizza party isn’t for us.”

“Yeah, but there might be some left over. Wouldn’t want to waste good pizza.”

I stomped off in my big boots. Across the street, up the path, onto the small stoop. I rang the bell, the door opened, a big hairy hand reached out, grabb

ed me by my shirt front, and dragged me into the house. The door slammed shut and I blinked up at Blatzo.

“Ernest?” I asked.


“You n-n-need to come with me. You’re in violation of your bond.”

“I don’t feel like doing that. You know what I feel like doing?”

Oh crap. He was going to rape me and chop me up into tiny pieces for his cats.

“I feel like having a party,” he said. “Just you and me.”

“Yeah, that would be good. We’ll have a party after we check you in with the court.”

“We’ll have a party now.”

He still had my shirt in his fist, and when he said now he jerked me off my feet and slammed me against the wall.

I yanked the stun gun out of my pocket, pressed the go button, and rammed the prongs against his neck.

His eyes lost focus for a split second but there was no further reaction.

“I don’t like that,” he said. “That’s not a nice thing to do to a man who invites you to a party.”

I kicked out at him, and he backhanded me across the face.

The front door opened, and Lula stuck her head in. “Everything going okay in here?”

“No!” I said. “Shoot him. Shoot him!”

Lula reached into her purse and pulled out the dildo.