
“Yeah,” Morelli said.

“Where is she now?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. The Camden police released her about an hour ago.”

“The FTA? Billy Bacon?”

“Ran off while Lula was trashing the other two guys.” There was a moment of silence. “How’s the pimple?” he finally asked.

“It’s holding its own. How’s the heartburn?”

“Not good.”


It was almost five o’clock when I opened my door to Lula. She was minus the pink angora sweater, her poison green tank top was smudged, and her hair was less than perfect.

“You’re not gonna believe my day,” Lula said. “Where’s my egg salad?”

“Vinnie ate it.”

“Say what?”

“I was worried about you when you disappeared. Why didn’t you call?”

“I got kidnapped and one of the idiots took my cellphone. What do you mean Vinnie ate my egg salad?”

“I brought the stuff from the deli back to the office and Vinnie ate it.”

“He got some nerve. I was looking forward to that egg salad.”

“We can get more tomorrow.”

Lula’s attention moved to the box on the counter. “Is that donuts I see?”

“Help yourself.”

Lula took a jelly donut. “I’m about starved. First off I got kidnapped and they wanted to go to Camden.” She shook her head. “Camden. Like I haven’t anything better to do than to drive to Camden. And then when we got to Camden they said I should get out and walk home on account of they were taking my Firebird to a chop shop. Okay, I get that they need money to start up a business. Not that I’m saying it’s the right thing to do or anything. But you don’t take a acetylene torch to a red Firebird. It’s not done. And I just had it detailed.”

“Morelli said you trashed them.”

“I might have got carried away in the moment. It’s the protective nature in me needing to protect my Firebird.”

Lula finished the jelly donut and took a chocolate covered.

“And Billy Bacon got away?” I asked her.

“Yup. He took advantage of the situation and ran like a rabbit, handcuffs and all. I drove around looking for him after the police got done talking to me, but I couldn’t find him. So what did you do with the rest of the day? Did you find Globovic?”

“I talked to his girlfriend. I’m sure she knows where he is. I might go back with Ranger tonight and look around.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. You mind if I take the rest of these donuts home?”

“They’re yours.”