“Well, thank you,” I said. “Aren’t you sweet.”

My drink arrived, and Leo told the bartender to put it on his bill.

“And generous,” I said.

Leo looked unsure of “generous.”

“What is ‘generous’?” he asked.

“It’s like … rich. You must be rich.”

The smile was back. “Yes! Very, very rich.”

“How did you make all your money?”

“Vodka,” he said. “I makes the best.”

I glanced over at Ranger and smiled. Jackpot.

“Do you know that man?” Leo asked.

“He’s a friend of the family,” I said.

“He look like a bad man.”

“He has his moments.”

No sound came over the earbud from Ranger, but I thought I sensed him smile.

“Are you staying at this hotel?” I asked Leo.

“Yes. It close to the consulate building where will take place the meetings. There is party soon.”

“I love parties,” I said.

“This a good one. They serving my vodka.” He looked at his watch. “I should be going.”

Damn! I was losing him. I put my hand on his leg. “That’s too bad. We were just getting to know each other.”

“It no will be long,” he said. “Two hours.”

My hand moved an inch closer to a place I really didn’t want to go, and I leaned forward to give him a better look at the girls. “My friend has to leave, and I would be here all alone.”

“I would stay but this important party.”

Good grief, this guy was dense! “I could go with you,” I said. “And then we can have our own private party when we come back to the hotel.”

His eyes opened wide. “Yes! That is perfect plan.”

“Last week I met a Russian named Vlatko,” I said. “Do you know any men named Vlatko?”

“Vlatko is much common name in Russia.”

“This man had an unusual tattoo on his neck. And he might only have one eye.”

“I know a Vlatko what has his initials tattooed on forehead,” Leo said. “This must be different Vlatko.”

“Have you been inside the consulate building already?”