“Take it, dude,” Mooner said to Zook. “It's a cool gig.”

“Me, too?” Gary asked.

“Yeah, you, too,” Morelli said.

“Should we be, like, packing heat, or something?” Mooner wanted to know.

“No!” Morelli said. “If someone comes to the house, you politely tell them to go away. If they won't go away, you call me.”

“Gotcha,” Mooner said.

“Looks like we're done in the basement,” I said. “Everyone upstairs for lunch.”

Gary had been quietly standing in his corner. “I think it might be here,” he said.

Everyone looked at him.

“I feel like I have a vision coming, but it's still in the back of my head. Sometimes it's like that. It's like brain constipation.”

“Oh man, I hate when I get that,” Mooner said.

“Maybe lunch will help,” I said to Gary.

Gary didn't budge from the corner. “I think I should stay here.”

I made sandwiches for Zook, Mooner, Morelli, Bob, and me, and I brought Gary's sandwich down to the basement.

“How's it going?” I said to him. “Anything coming through?”

“I had sort of a tingle before, but it went away.” “Okeydokey Shout out if you need anything.” Lula left, and Mooner and Zook checked in on Minion-fire.

“I'm going to get my cousin Mooch over here to finish the basement,” Morelli said. “Part of it's torn up. I might as well finish the job.”

Mooch owned a small construction company. He specialized in renovation, and fitting people into cement overcoats. His Yellow Pages ad read Mooch Morelli, demo AND DISPOSAL


“Can you trust Mooch to let you know if he finds the money?” I asked Morelli.

“I'll keep my eye on him.”

“What about Dom?”

“You can watch for Dom,” Morelli said. “Stake out Jelly's apartment and call me if Dom shows up.”

Stephanie Plum 14 - Fearless Forteen


Four hours later, I was still watching for Dom. My ass was asleep, and I had to tinkle. I got Jelly's phone number from Connie and tried calling him. No one answered, so I called Morelli.

“What's new?” I said to Morelli.

“Mooch and his guy Tiny have gone through two six-packs and have destroyed almost my entire basement. I think they only have maybe four or five more bottles of work left to do.”

“What did they find?”
