Lula stiffened her spine. “Say what?”

“You heard he was dead, right? And now you're here on the scavenger hunt? Well, back off, because I was here first,” the woman said.

I corralled Lula and Brenda and pulled them aside. “Cozy up to the guy in the cable uniform and find out what he's looking for.”

The woman made a disgusted gesture at the men and flounced off to the kitchen.

I tagged along and watched her open and close drawers.

“Are you his sister?” I asked the woman.


“I'm sorry,” I said. “This must be a terrible time for you.”

“We weren't close.” She cut her eyes to me. “Have you known Allen long?”

“Long enough.”

“I guess men talk when you're, you know, doing things.”


“Like what did he say?” she asked me.

“Uh, mostly he gave instructions.”

“Really? What sort of instructions? Did he say where it was located?”

“No. I knew where it was located. He mostly said hit me harder. And then ouch and yow and that sort of thing.”

“I don't mean those instructions. I mean, did he tell you where the money is hidden?”

“Oh. No.”

“Allen was such an idiot. I can't believe he got himself shot. What was he thinking?”

“Do you know who shot him?”

“I imagine it was someone looking for the money, just like him. Probably crazy Dominic Rizzi.”

“This is the money from the robbery, right?”

“I guess. He just kept talking about the money he was going to get when Dom got out of jail. And then Dom got out and nobody could find the money. And then last night, Allen said he had directions and today he's dead. I figure I'm next of kin and the money is mine. I just need to find the directions. Me and my two remaining moron brothers.”

“Doesn't it bother you that Allen was probably killed over the money and you could get killed, too?”

“Do you have any idea how much money we're talking about?”

“A lot?”

“More than a lot. We're talking a shitload.”

“What if you don't find the directions here?”

“I guess I just start digging around the death house. I figure Dom gave the money to his crazy old Aunt Rose, and she hid it somewhere. And then she died before Dom got out of prison.”

I left the kitchen, gathered up Lula and Brenda, and herded them outside.