“Connies working on it. Hopefully, we'll find a way to get your mom out today. In the meantime, Morelli will look in on her and make sure she's okay.”

“I don't ever want to grow up. Growing up sucks. People do stupid things.”

“Growing up isn't so bad,” I told him. “What do you want to do when you get out of school?”

He kept his eyes glued to his bloated cereal. “You'll think it's dopey.”


“I want to be an engineer and design roller coasters.”

I was dumbstruck. “Wow. That's fantastic.”

“Yeah, except I'll never get into college because my grades suck, and we have no money.”

“So fix your grades and go to a state school. That's what I did. You could even try for a scholarship.” Morelli called on my cell phone.

“Tell Zook, or whoever the hell he is today, that his mom says hello. She isn't happy, but she's managing.”

“Thanks. I'll pass it on. Any information on last night?” “You mean the break-in? No. No other disturbances in the neighborhood.”

Stephanie Plum 14 - Fearless Forteen


Connie was at her desk when I walked into the office. I dumped my shoulder bag on the couch and cut my eyes to Vinnie's inner sanctum. The door was closed.

“He's not here,” Connie said. “He's at a bail bonds conference in Shreveport.”

“What's happening with Loretta Rizzi?”

“Not a damn thing. It's pathetic,” Connie said. “No one wants to take a chance on her.”

“You could bond her out on her own recognizance.”

“Vinnie would kill me.”

“He wouldn't have to know.”

“Vinnie knows everything. He has this office bugged.”

“I thought you debugged it.”

“He keeps hiding new ones.”

“I have to get Loretta out. Morelli and I aren't ready for parenthood. If I was going to target one of her relatives, who would be my top choice?”

“Her brother. He's got a stash somewhere. He stole nine million dollars, and it was never recovered.”

“Do you have an address?”

“He's staying at his mother's house on Conway Street.”

“I know the house.”

“You might want to take Lula. Word is he's unstable.”

“Where is Lula?”