

“So I'm off the hook.”

“Yep,” Morelli said.

“What about Gorvich? I thought I was a suspect there.”

“I wanted you to dredge up an alibi in case the press came to you.” His attention fixed on

my RangeMan jacket. "What are you doing in RangeMan clothes? You were head-to-toe

RangeMan this morning."

“I ran out of clean clothes and these were available.”

“Available? Where were they available?”

“In Ranger's closet.”

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm holed up here with the witness from hell and you've

moved in with Ranger?"

“You told him to take care of me.”

“Not that way!”

"There's no that way going on. It's no different from what you've got here. You've got

Dick-head in protective custody. Does that mean you're sleeping with him?“ The color was rising in Morelli s face. ”I'll kill him."

“You will not kill him. Read my lips… nothing has happened between us.” At least, not the

main event. I chose to believe the prelims didn't count in this case. "And I'm not moved in

with him. I'm going home and I'm going to get on with my life now that I know I'm not a

murder suspect."

“Maybe you should move in here,” Morelli said. "There's a lunatic out there with a

flamethrower, and you're mixed up in it somehow."

“No thanks. I already did time with Dickie. I'll take my chances with the flamethrower.” I

went to the television and looked through the DVDs stacked alongside. "I just stopped around

to borrow the Lethal Weapon collection." I found the boxed set and looked over at Morelli.

“You don't mind?”

“What's mine is yours,” Morelli said.

I let myself out and jogged to the Porsche.

“I thought you decided to take a nap in there,” Lula said.