His eyes dropped to my cleavage. “No shit?”

I hoped they loaded that car on fast. This guy had a head start on the drinky poos, and was going to be on me like white on rice. I could feel it coming.

“My name's Ryan Perin,” he said, extending his hand.


He kept hold of my hand. “Stephanie the lingerie buyer. That's very sexy.”

Yuk. I hate holding hands with strange men. Damn Ranger and his horizons. “Well, you know . . . it's a job.”

“I bet you have a lot of great lingerie.”

“Sure. I have everything. You name it, I've got it.”

The bartender looked at me expectantly.

“I'll have one of those,” I said, pointing to Perin's drink. “And could you hurry?”

“So tell me about your lingerie,” Perin said. “You have any garter belts?”

“Oh, yeah. I wear garter belts all the time-?red, black, purple.”

“How about thong panties?”

“Yeah, thong panties.” Every time I feel like flossing my ass.

The alarm went off on his watch.

“What's that?” I asked.

“It's a reminder to check on my car.”

Damn! Don't panic. Don't panic. “What's wrong with your car?”

“This isn't such a great neighborhood at this time of night. I had a radio ripped off last week. So once in a while I just look out and make sure no one's messing with anything.”

“Don't you have an alarm system?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Then you don't have to worry.”

“I guess you're right. Still . . .” He looked toward the door. “Maybe I should check just to be safe.”

“You're not one of those obsessive-?compulsive types, are you?” I asked. “I don't like those types. They're always so uptight. They never want to try anything new like, um . . . group sex.”

That got his attention back.

Some spittle collected at the corner of his mouth. “You like group sex?”

“Well, I don't like to do it with too many men, but I have a couple girlfriends . . .” My drink came. I knocked it back and went into a coughing fit. When I stopped coughing, my eyeballs got hot and watery. “What is this?”

“Bombay Sapphire.”

“I'm not much of a drinker.”

Perin slid a hand up my leg to just inside my skirt hem. “Tell me more about the group sex.”