“I can't stay,” I said. “I just wanted to stop around and see how you were doing.”

“Isn't that sweet of you. I'm doing peachy. I think I've decided on a trip to Bermuda.”

I picked a brochure off the coffee table. “Singles cruises for seniors?”

“They have some very good rates.”

“Anything happen that I should know about? Like, have you heard from Fred?”

“I haven't heard a word from Fred. I suppose he's dead.”

Boy, don't get all broken up over it. “It's only been two weeks,” I said. “He could still turn up.”

Mabel slid a longing look at the brochures. “I suppose that's true.”

Ten minutes later I was at the office.

“Hey, girlfriend,” Lula said. “Did you see the paper this morning? You got a big spread. And not that I'm bummed or anything, but I didn't even get a mention. And I didn't get a cool name like Bombshell Bounty Hunter either. Hell, I could bombshell your ass off.”

“I know that,” I said. “And that's why I was wondering if you wanted to ride along with me again today?”

“I don't know. What kind of car are you driving? You back to driving that Buick?”

“Actually, I have a Beemer.”

Lula rushed to the front window and looked out. “Damn skippy. Way to go.”

Vinnie stuck his head out of his office doorway. “What's going on?”

“Stephanie got a new car,” Lula said. “That's it at the curb.”

“Anybody hear about anything funny going on at First Trenton?” I asked. “Anybody shady work there?”

“You should ask the little guy we talked to yesterday,” Lula said. “I can't remember his name, but he seemed like a nice guy. You don't think he's shady, do you?”

“Hard to tell who's shady,” I said to Lula. Actually, I thought shady would be a step up for Shempsky.

“Where'd you get the car?” Vinnie asked.

“It's a company car. I'm working with Ranger.”

Vinnie's face creased into a big, oily smile. “Ranger gave you a car? Hah! What kind of work you doing? Gotta be good to get a car like that.”

“Maybe you should ask Ranger,” I said.

“Yeah, sure, when I don't want to live anymore.”

“Any new FTAs come in?” I asked Connie.

“We got two in yesterday, but they're chump change. I wasn't sure you wanted to be bothered with them. Seems like you've got a lot on your plate right now.”

“What's the profile?”

“A shoplifter and a wife beater.”

“We'll take the wife beater,” Lula said. “We don't allow no wife beaters to just walk away. We like to give the wife beaters personal attention.”

I took the file from Connie and sifted through it. Kenyon Lally. Age twenty-?eight. Unemployed. Long history of spousal abuse. Two DUI convictions. Living in the projects. No mention of Kenyon shooting any previous bounty hunters.