“And when did he come back to the house?”

“I don't remember exactly. Maybe around eleven. He was home for lunch.”

“That's a long time just to go to RGC to complain about a bill.”

Mabel looked thoughtful. “I didn't really pay much attention, but I guess you're right.”

He didn't go to Winnie's because he was there in the afternoon.

While I was in the neighborhood I cruised over to the Ruzicks'. The bakery was on the corner, and the rest of the houses on the street were duplexes. The Ruzick house was yellow brick with a yellow-?brick stoop in front and a front yard that was three feet deep. Mrs. Ruzick kept her windows clean and her porch swept. There were no cars in front of the house. The backyard was long and narrow, leading to an alley that was one lane wide. The duplexes were divided by double driveways, at the end of which sat single-?car garages.

I toyed with the idea of talking to Mrs. Ruzick, but gave it up. She had a reputation for being outspoken and had always been fiercely protective of her two worthless sons. I went to Sandy Polan instead.

“Wow, Stephanie!” Sandy said when she opened the door. “I haven't seen you in a long time. What's up?”

“I need a snitch.”

“Let me guess. You're looking for Alphonse Ruzick.”

“Have you seen him?”

“No, but he'll be around. He always comes to eat Saturday dinner with Mama. He is such a loser.”

“Would you mind doing lookout for me? I'd do it myself, but I have to go to a wedding this afternoon.”

“Oh my God. You're going to Julie Morelli's wedding! It's true about you and Joe.”

“What about me and Joe?”

“I heard you were living with him.”

“I had a fire in my apartment, and I rented a room from him for a short time.”

Sandy's face scrunched up in disappointment. “You mean you weren't sleeping with him?”

“Well, yeah, I guess I was sleeping with him.”

“Oh my God. I knew it! I just knew it! What's he like? Is he excellent? Is he . . . you know, big? He doesn't have a little twinkie, does he? Oh, God, don't tell me if he has a little twinkie.”

I looked at my watch. “Gee, look at the time. I have to be going—”

“Oh, you've got to tell me or I'll die!” Sandy said. “I had such a crush on him in high school. Everyone did. If you tell me, I swear I won't tell another soul.”

“Okay, it's not a little twinkie.”

Sandy looked at me expectantly.

“That's it,” I said.

“Did he tie you up? He always looked like the kind of guy who liked to tie women up.”

“No! He didn't tie me up!” I gave her my card. “Listen, if you see Alphonse, give me a call. Try my cell phone number first, and if that doesn't work, try my pager.”

Stephanie Plum 5 - High Five

Stephanie Plum 5 - High Five

Stephanie Plum 5 - High Five