Jock Roderick, the Brave Bandit of Hanratty Cross.

As Sawyer was trav’ling the Long Road in May

A client to see for to free from his pay

Who should arrive at the top of the heath?

Young Jock, with his pistols and a blade in his teeth.

Jock Roderick, the Brave Bandit of Hanratty Cross.

Says Sawyer, “I’ll give you a piece of the deal

I’ve a widow in South Wood who’s lost an appeal.

Sure, there’s money to make of us both millionaires!”

But Jock with his pistols just fixes a stare.

Jock Roderick, the Brave Bandit of Hanratty Cross.

“You’re a savvy young man,” says Sawyer, “quite right.

But I’m suing a blind man for not having sight.

We’ll split up the settlement, right down the middle!”

But Jock, he don’t move, he don’t flinch in his saddle.

Jock Roderick, the Brave Bandit of Hanratty Cross.

“But let’s not be tidy, whatever’s your druther,

I’m suing an orphan for having no mother.

We’ll share all the proceeds! Whatever the figure!”

But Jock, he just sits there, a-twitch at the trigger.

Jock Roderick, the Brave Bandit of Hanratty Cross.

Says Sawyer, “O tell me what would thee entice

Ev’ry man has a weakness, we each have our price.

Name that one thing and I swear to make good.”

Says Jock, “You marched naked down into South Wood.”

Jock Roderick, the Brave Bandit of Hanratty Cross.

So Jock’s robbed the lawyer his gold and his store

He’s taken the horses and deeds and what’s more

He’s marched him all naked for South Wood to stare

How a lawyer’s a lawyer whatever he wears.