Page 96 of Hired Hottie

“No, but you look pretty yummy right now,” I taunt. Sensing my eyes on him, he meets my gaze with his own then pushes himself up from the floor and swaggers toward me.

All muscles and tan skin like a freaking surfer.

“Is that right?” he returns. “I like the hat, by the way.”

My pink Get Baked hat covers my crazy hair like a champ, leaving only a loose braid hanging down my right shoulder.

“Oh yeah?”

“Mmmhmmm,” he hums. “There’s just one problem with it.”

“And what’s that?” I ask curiously, taking in his stubbled cheeks and cocky smirk.

Damn, he’s hot.

Lifting it up and off my head, he turns it around so the brim faces backward. “I can’t kiss you when it’s facing forward.”

I raise my chin to give him better access. “And now?”

“Now, it’s perfect.” Leaning down, he plants a slow kiss on my mouth, teasing my lips open with his tongue. I press my hands against his bare chest to keep my balance. The heat from his skin is warm, making me want to melt into him.

Arms snaking around my waist, Levi picks me up then carries me to the counter. I laugh when he shoves aside a few more boxes to make room for my butt.

“Seriously? How do you have so much stuff?” I ask with a smile while looking at all the clutter.

“Hey. Not all of that is mine.” Lifting his chin, he points to a small shoebox with my name scrawled across it in Sharpie. “My mom was cleaning out some stuff and asked me to give this to you.”

“What is it?”

He shrugs. “I dunno.”

Curiously, I reach for the box and open it to find a few old baseball cards, Levi’s favorite blankie from when he was a baby, and a pregnancy test.

“What the hell?” My gaze shoots to Levi to see his brows pinched in confusion.

Clearing his throat, he mutters, “Is that…?”

“Why would your mom think I’m pregnant?”

“I dunno? She said something about you glowing the other day, but let’s be honest, she’s probably just praying we’ll wind up pregnant and make her a grandma or something. I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

And that’s what jinxes it. I rewind the last month, doing the math in my head before the blood drains from my face.

“Hey, Levi?”


“What day is it?”

Pulling out his phone from the front of his jeans, he checks the date then sets it on the counter beside my thigh. “The fifteenth. Why?”

I bite my lip and do the math a second time. When I’m positive I’ve done it correctly, I mutter, “Because I think your mom might be on to something.”


I nod.

A grin threatens to tear his face in two as he grabs my chin and nudges it up to make sure he has my full attention. “Hell, yes, Charlie Bannon. We’re gonna make some cute little shits.”