Page 61 of Hired Hottie

“You’re almost as bad as Dex,” she mutters under her breath, though I don’t know what he has to do with my messed up situation.

However, the sound of Montague Enterprises’ CEO’s name piques my curiosity. “Dex, as in Dexter Truitt?”

“That’s the one. He full-on hid his identity from my little sister when they first started dating. It was an epic screw-up, and it took a hell of a lot of groveling. But he won her back. The question is, do you think you can win Charlie back?”

Sinking lower into my seat, a defeated laugh escapes me before I rub my face roughly.

“I have no idea where I would even start.”

“First, you need to find out if she has a thing for Conner,” she points out.

“I’m going to say yes since I walked in on them making out on my couch last night.”

“What?” she screeches.

“Oh. Conner and I are roommates,” I clarify, scoffing at how ludicrous the whole ordeal sounds. “He’d brought Charlie back to our place under the guise of watching a movie, though I’m pretty sure he was trying to sleep with her.” Bile floods my mouth at the thought.

“But, he didn’t?”

“Didn’t what?” I ask.

“Sleep with her?”

“Charlie says he didn’t even kiss her again after I walked in on them, and Conner said she turned into an ice queen as soon as I left. That’s the part you witnessed at my desk a few minutes ago,” I explain, my blood beginning to boil as the memory resurfaces.

She nods her understanding before tapping her forefinger against her pursed lips. I can almost see the wheels turning in her head as she assesses the information I’ve just gifted her with.

“Okay, so she didn’t sleep with him, and she acted uninterested as soon as you caught her kissing Conner. Interesting. So when was the last time you spoke with her? You said she told you that she didn’t kiss him after you walked in?”

“Yeah.” I sigh. “I didn’t know where to go after interrupting them, so I went to her place and turned on Netflix. When she showed up a couple of hours later, I’d built up in my head all the dirty shit she’d done with Conner and was pissed.”

“What did you do?” she murmurs in a quiet voice. I can see it in her eyes. She alrea

dy knows I screwed up, but she wants to hear how. I don’t know why I’m telling her this. I’m probably going to get fired for being an epic asshole.

There’s just something about Alexandra, though. Whether it’s her open expression or her sage wisdom, I don’t know, but it’s just enough to get me to come clean.

“I yelled at her,” I admit, feeling as though a weight has been lifted. Unfortunately, it’s quickly followed by a fresh wave of guilt as I picture the look of confusion painted across Charlie’s gorgeous face when I dropped my hand after almost kissing her. “I was an ass. And when she finally asked why I cared so much about who she did or didn’t sleep with…I left.”

“And you haven’t spoken to her since?”

I shake my head.

“Then it looks like your superior is craving a chocolate eclair and is sending you on an errand to pick one up.”

“What?” I ask, thoroughly confused by the random order.

“You need to fix this,” she clarifies, tapping her manicured nails against the oak surface of her desk. “Right now.”

“I screwed up—”

“Tell her that Conner isn’t the one for her. You are.”

“And what about the job?” I press. “I called off the deal, but Conner—”

“Who the hell cares about Conner? He’s a good guy, Levi. And don’t get me wrong, he’s a hard worker, and his dad knows a few people high up in the corporation. But he essentially gave up the final position as soon as he mentioned retracting his resume.”

Blood drains from my face as I ask, “What do you mean? I don’t want to get this position by tattling—”