Page 49 of Hired Hottie

“I don’t look at it like we’re using Conner. I look at it like you’re taking the leap into the possibility of a relationship, and you’re going to see how many arms are willing to catch you when you jump. You don’t know my history with Rhett, but in a nutshell, it was messy. And seemed impossible. And so far out of my reach, it’s not even funny. And even though I had to go through hell to finally be happy, I’m so glad I did. If Levi can’t figure out how amazing you are, then you still deserve to find your happiness. And maybe it’s with Conner.”

“You really think so?” I whisper.

“I know so. But if we’re going to make this work, then we need to knock them both on their asses.”

“And how do we do that?”

“We call in Sophie.”

“Oh, we don’t need to do that,” I start.

What I really want to say is that I so don’t need to air out my dirty laundry to everyone at Get Baked, but she sees right through me.

“Yes, we do. Trust me, Charlie. You might be a tomboy, but it’s okay to get dolled up once in a while too, and Sophie knows exactly how to blow a guy’s mind.”

“So, what exactly does this mean?”

“It means the next time Conner asks you on a date, you’re going to say yes.”

“And what does that have to do with Sophie?”

“Oh.” She gives me a devilish grin. “And we’re going shopping. You need a big dose of confidence, and you need to take the best friend blinders off Levi. Sophie’s a master at delivering both of those. Julio can cover while we all go out. I’ll text Sophie right now.”

“You sure?”


“Thanks, Indie. I’ve never really had a girlfriend before.”

“Whelp. Now you’re stuck with me. And bring along Suzette too.” With a wink, she adds, “Seems like she belongs in on this secret mission too.”

What the hell did I get myself into?

Chapter Seventeen


Indie wasn’t kidding when she said she was just as invested in the situation as I am. She practically booted me out the door after our conversation, insi

sting I give Suzette an update. By the time I got to Forever Grey to do exactly that, I had received a text from Indie that said she’d already recruited Sophie and to plan on going shopping later that afternoon.

Which is where I am now. In the dressing room at a department store with more clothes strewn across the floor than I have in my entire closet at home.

The clang of hangers hitting the door breaks my focus from the mirror on the wall to the gap between the ceiling and the top of the door. Sure enough, another handful of outfits have been delivered.

“Try these on too!” Sophie calls.

“More?” I reply, exasperated.

“Yup! And don’t change out of them until we can all give our votes, Charlie Brown! You’ve been cheating!”

I want to smack Sophie for the nickname, but Indie Pie insists that it’s simply one of Sophie’s quirks and not to be too offended. Apparently, she gives everyone a nickname once she’s deemed them part of her circle.

That should make me happy, right? That I’m part of her circle?

I run my hands along the black leather skirt and Ramones T-shirt she’d tossed over the door a few minutes earlier, impressed with the way I look feminine but still like me.

Yeah. I guess I’m okay with her claiming me.