Page 45 of Hired Hottie

Chapter Sixteen


Skipping up the steps to Levi’s mom’s house, I rap my knuckles against the door and wait. It’s still pretty early, but Ms. McCoy has always been an early bird like me, so I don’t stress too much. With a slight creak, the door opens.

“Hey, Ms. McCoy. Long time, no see.”

“Hey, Charlie!” She opens her arms and pulls me into a quick side hug that never seems to last long enough. Not when life is so short.

“Did you say hello to your dad? I called to let him know I had your phone last night in case he tried to text you or something, and he gave me a bunch of crap for not inviting him to dinner even though we both knew he’d decline.”

They’ve always been friends, but one drunken night when I was growing up, lines were almost crossed, and they both decided to keep their relationship a little more structured. Little do they know, I’ve always considered both of them my parents anyway, so it wouldn’t have mattered to me. But I guess when you’ve been abandoned while six months pregnant, it can make you a little hesitant to trust the opposite sex, and Ms. McCoy never really recovered. Even though I’m sure my dad would’ve loved to join us for dinner, he respects her enough to keep his distance even when she extends an invitation.

“Yes. I went and visited him before he left for work. Even swung by Get Baked to sneak him a fresh brioche bun.”

“Ooo, honey, I hope you brought me one too.”

With a grin, I offer the pink box that’d been in my hands. The one she was too polite to mention when she first opened the door.

“Of course! I think it’s still warm.”

Ms. McCoy lifts the lid and breathes in the scent of white chocolate and vanilla. “Mmm…,” she sighs contentedly. “Thank you! Do you want to come in for a few?”

“I can’t. I have to get to work early today to cover for Sophie. She has the flu.”

“Aww, poor thing. The flu is the worst. I remember when you and Levi would get sick when you were little, and I could never keep both of you from sharing your germs because as soon as one of you would get sick, the other would insist on snuggling while watching Disney movies.”

The memories bring a soft smile to my face. “I remember that! I was too obsessed with him to care about catching his cooties.”

“I know. Childhood crushes are my favorite. Especially when they blossom into love.”

Not in the mood for a lecture, I lift my empty hand. “I’m sure they are, but I do need to get going.”

“Fine. I won’t give you too much crap. I guess I’m just feeling sentimental since a guy’s been blowing up your phone all morning.” She places said phone into my open palm. My eyebrows pinch in confusion.

Phone blowing up? Is it Levi? Maybe he wants to talk about the kiss!

My enthusiasm deflates as soon as the thought crosses my mind. He knows I didn’t have my phone this morning. Curiously, I check my messages to see an unknown number.

UNKNOWN: Hey. I’m glad Levi was able to work his magic and convince you to let him give me your number.

A picture message was sent about thirty minutes after the original text, and I can’t help the amusement that follows.

Bonnie’s brindle head is squished into the frame right next to a grinning Conner. It’s a little blurry, which probably means she was squirming like crazy when he took it, but the picture still does its job, and I find myself laughing under my breath as I examine it.

UNKNOWN: Went to Forever Grey this morning in hopes of running into you again, and your girl was lonely. Don’t worry. We had a nice long run, talked it through, and both decided you’re not ignoring us. You’re just busy this morning. (Or at least I really hope so, or you’re gonna break a couple of hearts.) Have you given any more thought to cowboy sushi?

“I know that look, and I don’t like it one bit,” Ms. McCoy interjects.

My head snaps up, and I slide my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. “And what look is that?”

“It reminds me of the one you give my son.”

Sighing, I pull her into another quick hug and ignore her comment because we both know it won’t get us anywhere to discuss her son and whether he’ll ever give me a shot or not. I’ve never actually come out and said I’m in love with Levi to her, but she’s also not blind and easily pieced together the facts long before I did.

Still. It doesn’t change the glaring truth that he doesn’t feel the same way, no matter how much I want him to.

“Thanks for everything, Ms. McCoy. I’ll make sure to come see you the next time I drop by my dad’s, okay?”