Page 41 of Hired Hottie

“You really are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”

Grinning up at me, she digs her elbow into my ribs then makes her way back to the family room.

“And don’t you forget it,” she calls over her shoulder.

Chapter Fifteen


After a delicious meal and sweet goodbyes from my adopted mom, Levi and I head to my apartment to chill and watch Netflix.

And no. Not Netflix and chill, which is the fun kind of hanging out that I’ve Googled. Just chill and watch Netflix, which is the boring kind where we lounge around and eat popcorn while arguing over what show to watch like an old married couple.

I sigh.

Yeah. Even the boring kind is pretty fun when I’m with Levi.

Remote in hand, I plop onto the couch and search for a show to watch while Levi takes off his shoes and gets comfortable beside me.

“What do you want to watch?” I ask.

“How ‘bout a chick flick?” he teases, his eyes glowing with mirth.

Rolling my eyes, I reach for the remote, but he raises his arm to keep it out of my reach.

“Har-har,” I mutter.

“You know, this is why you’re perfect,” he notes. “Most girls would kill to watch some sappy movie about romance and shit. But you prefer movies that give you nightmares or ones that blow shit up.”

“And proud of it, my friend. Thanks for never making me sit through something like The Notebook.” I scrunch up my face in disgust.

With a wink that I refuse to admit is sexy, he replies, “Anytime.”

Finally, he hands over the remote, and I start flipping through a few more options, comfortable in the silence that encompasses my little family room.

“So…Conner told me he asked you out today, and you said no.” Levi’s comment practically gives me whiplash as I turn to look at him.


“So, I wanna know why,” he pushes, resting his hands behind his head.

Prickling, I mutter, “I’m not sure that’s any of your business, Levi.”

“It isn’t,” he concedes with a casual shrug. “But I care about you. Since our conversation last night, I’ve tried to comb over your past to come up with one guy that you’ve dated, and I came up empty. Obviously, relationships don’t interest you, but why don’t you date? Why would you say no to Conner? ’Cause he said you guys were having a good time until he mentioned taking you out.”

I’ve been asking myself the same question all day. Conner’s cute. And polite. And good with dogs. And a pretty good runner. He marks off every box on my li

st, yet I was still spooked. Dropping my gaze to my lap, I let go of the remote and start to fiddle with the hem of my T-shirt.

With a sigh, I admit, “I don’t do well one-on-one with guys.”

“That’s bullshit. We’re one-on-one all the time.”

“Well, yeah but…we’re friends.”


“So, it’s different,” I reiterate. “You don’t look at me like you want anything more from me.” I let out a dry laugh because I’ve spent more time daydreaming that he’d look at me like he wanted something more from me than I’ve spent running. And that’s a hell of a lot of time.