Page 39 of Hired Hottie

“But it definitely has to be removed?” I probe in an attempt to get my facts straight.

“Yes. Even though they believe it’s benign, and the MRI results were pretty positive, the size is troubling, and they want to get it under control as quickly as possible.”

“Have you scheduled the surgery yet?”

She shakes her head. “Not yet. I’m still trying to figure out the logistics of everything. But when I do, I’ll let you know.”

“The logistics of what, Mom?”

“Payment plans. I’m getting everything taken care of, though, I promise,” she tries to reassure me.

Not in the mood to fight, I say, “Just…keep me updated.”

“I will.” She pushes herself up from her recliner then picks up Charlie’s plate. “Levi, will you help me with the dishes?”


“I can help,” Charlie volunteers.

“No, no. You already dished me up,” my mom orders. “I insist.”

Sensing my mom’s need to talk privately with me, Charlie relaxes back into the cushion. “Okay. But if you change your mind, just holler.”

“I will, Charlie. We both know I don’t mind putting you to work if I need to.”

They both laugh as I follow my mom into the kitchen. Setting the dishes in the sink, I squirt a few drops of dish soap on top of them then turn on the water and grab a fresh sponge from under the cabinet.

“So,” my mom starts, placing her hands on her hips.

“So,” I mimic with a teasing grin.

“Charlie told me you bailed on her this morning.”

Quirking my brow, I reply, “I had a meeting that I’d forgotten about.”

“She told me about the meeting. What I want to know is why she also happened to run into Conner.”


“I like Conner. Don’t get me wrong. But I also know Conner. And I know that he wouldn’t be at that dog place unless he had a reason to be.”


“Nope. You listen to me, mister. Charlie said he asked for her number.”


“Shh. I’m serious.” She purses her lips, and I can tell she’s serious right now. “This is the first time Charlie has ever brought up a boy to me that wasn’t you.”

Not me.

Her words hit their target, doing weird things to my chest. Jaw tight, I turn to the dishes and scrub the sponge against the porcelain surface with more force than necessary.


“Yeah?” I grit out.

“I love Charlie.”