Mia was an angel. I had never seen a woman so smoking hot that I considered sharing her with five other guys—a number that had increased to six when Coach Dawson let us know he was getting in on the action too. I could hardly blame him. He had fucked every slut from one side of campus to the other and half the female population of Texas if the rumors were true. All seven of us were seated at Coach Dawson’s round table, waiting our turn to eat one pussy. Being the star running back in high school gave me my fair share of girls at my disposal, but I never really went down on any of them. I could count the number of pussies I had licked on one hand. Normally they were the ones servicing me before I went up inside of them and blew my load. I talked a good game, but I was a bit nervous.

“Roger, you’re up.” Coach Dawson voice echoed through the room and I heard the timer start as Mia came to a stop in front of me.

I licked my lips like I was about to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner and pulled her close. I wanted to be the first guy to fuck her, but I was certain I wasn’t going to be able to beat everyone’s score unless they talked a bigger game than I did. That hardly seemed possible. I leaned in and smelled the aroma of her orgasm. It smelled like cotton candy and made my cock get hard in my pants. I leaned towards her sweet pussy and started licking it in the center. She immediately moaned when I pushed my tongue inside of her. I could feel the thick webbing of her virginity preventing me from going very deep an

d her pussy was tight as fuck. Whoever popped her cherry was going to have to spend some getting her loosened up before the rest of us could have a turn.

“That feels good.” Mia moaned and ran her fingers through my hair.

Her previous orgasm tasted amazing and I almost forgot it was Hank that made her cum. My cock was so hard in my pants it was almost bursting through the fabric. I moved against her and felt it shift, rubbing the glans and making me even more turned on. I was suddenly more motivated than I was going into it, especially after hearing her moan. I might be able to do it. I might be able to make the gorgeous Mia cum in record time. Having that tight pussy around my cock before anyone else had a turn made me struggle to contain the thoughts in my head. I desperately wanted to crawl on top of her and feel it right then. Time seemed to almost stop as I ran my tongue along her pussy and started moving around the top of her clitoris. I knew that spot made women excited and I really wasn’t sure if I should focus on it or focus on the opening of her pussy. Both seemed to stimulate her.

“Hurry up, Roger.” I heard Jerrod’s voice which was laced with agitation. “The rest of us want a turn.”

“Let him take all the time he wants.” Matt laughed. “The slower he goes, the less competition for the rest of us.”

“I won’t need half as long as him.” Jerrod let out a sigh. “I just want to get some sleep after I finally fuck her.”

I had no idea how much time had passed. I was so enthralled with the way my tongue danced around her pussy that I was just enjoying the moment. None of the girls I went down on high school were so enthusiastic about it. I was probably too focused on my own cock to worry about them, and while my cock was certainly bulging in my pants creating quite the distraction, I wasn’t going to get any sort of satisfaction for it until Mia got to cum. I was sure I had blown my chance at her virginity by constantly shifting between the opening of her pussy and her clitoris because it seemed to build up and then die out. I felt her clitoris forming a hard knot so I focused directly on it with my tongue, flicking against it as hard and fast as I could. I felt her body shudder and then she started to orgasm.

“Finally.” Jerrod growled as Mia practically convulsed, her pussy clenching as muscles tightened and released.

Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever actually made a girl cum before. All those bitches have been faking it...

“Whoa...” Mia’s body relaxed. “I’m not sure I can take another one of those.”

“You’ve got five more to go.” Coach Dawson twisted the timer once she settled down and started to spin her again.

Mia rotated quickly and then started to slow down. I watched as Mia’s pussy passed me by, wishing I could fuck her so bad my cock was almost screaming for the sweet release her pussy could bring me. I watched as she circled the room and without warning, she came to a stop in front of me again. I stared at her delicious pussy, wanting to taste her orgasm again. It was such a wonderful treat, so tight and pure. Burying my tongue inside of it again would be pleasure and there was a good chance I would rub my glans raw in my pants or ejaculate without stimulation like one of those crazy people on YouTube that touted hands-free orgasms. If such a thing was physically possible for a man, I was sure that Mia could make it happen for me.

“He gets another shot?” Matt looked over at me and shook his head. “That ain’t fair.”

“No.” Coach Dawson shook his head. “If it lands on someone she’s already been with, it goes to the person on their right. His—we’ll call it seven minutes—is what goes on record.”

Seven minutes. Fuck.

“I’m up then.” Joe turned Mia towards him and I watched the beautiful pussy disappear from my sight.

I guess it wouldn’t have been fair, even if I would have enjoyed doing it again.

Chapter 7: Joe

As a kicker, I only got to be a hero when the game was on the line. In those few minutes, I either drilled it between the goal posts or listened to a crowd of people instantly hate me. I practiced way more than I played, and I rode the bench most of the time when I wasn’t warming up. I spent my life in my brother’s shadow, even though I was older than him. For two seasons in the NFL, I was a free man—until the Texas Cowboys decided to draft him too. The season hadn’t even started and he was already the only Rollins people seemed to care about. I thought high school would be the last time until he ended up at the same college I was attending and when that nightmare was over, I surely expected to be home free in the NFL. For some reason that sibling rivalry didn’t seem to matter much with the beautiful Mia in the front of me. He may have brought her to the dance, but I was going to be the first Rollins to go down on her and with enough finesse, I could be the first one to fuck her.

“Get over here, gorgeous.” I pulled her close. “I’m going to make you cum in record time.”

“Make her cum faster than I do and I’ll grill you a steak every weekend for a month. Lose and you do the same for me.” Matt extended his fist and I bumped it, agreeing with the bet.

“Time is already started.” Coach Dawson said with a growl.


I dove between her thighs so fast with my tongue extended that I almost split her hymen in half when I penetrated the opening of her pussy. She let out a groan of concern before I withdrew it from the thick webbing and started circling the entrance as fast as I could. She tasted like divinity, easily the sweetest pussy to ever grace my taste buds. I moved up to her clit and started letting my tongue rise and fall against it. I strummed it like I did my guitar when I was playing a sweet country song and her body reacted immediately. I started mentally picturing the chords for my favorite Kenny Chesney song and strummed her pussy to the tune in my head. I was a bit of an anomaly being a country music fan from Michigan, but I never could get into the hip hop or the random rap and roll music that seemed to be so popular. I felt her body react, especially when I started going through the chorus.

Mia, I don’t see...how you could ever be...anything but mine.

The lyrics for the song echoed in my head, even though the situation at hand meant she was going to be everything but mine—exclusively at least. She was going to equally belong to us once the formality of her hymen was plucked and we each of us got a turn. I wondered what was going through her head—besides the pleasure my tongue was bringing her. I couldn’t believe a virgin girl had agreed to come back to Coach Dawson’s ranch and live with seven guys who were all interested in being her first. It was like a twisted bachelorette television show with no cameras. I moved my tongue against her pussy with the song echoing in my head. When it was done and she was still moaning with no end in sight, I tried to play the song faster the second time around, moving down and plunging my tongue into the opening of her pussy again. I tasted the sweetness of her virginity a few more times and then moved back to her clitoris, rubbing it furiously with my tongue.

“I don’t think I can cum again.” She moaned and lifted a hand to her lips, biting down on it.