Page 9 of Mr. B.F.D.

“Don’t stop.” I begged with what words I could form with my exhausted lips.

I wanted to feel him explode inside of my pussy. I wanted to know he reached the same moment of satisfaction he hammered into me multiple times. The steady constant thrusts started to grow more erratic as he started to throb with greater intensity. I could see the storm in his eyes raging with the full fury of his lust. His brow was lightly coated with sweat that matched the thin layer of perspiration I could feel from my own heat. His lips curled to a bit of a snarl and his jaw tightened as the thrusts went wild, slamming into me like I only existed for his pleasure. Despite being exhausted and drained of energy, I felt my body reacting again. His cock pulsated for a moment and then it went deep where I felt the first explosion of cum in my pussy. He let out a grunt and started pounding again, sending ropes of thick, hot cum into me as each thrust went deep into my wetness. His ejaculation made his muscles tense up and his hands formed fists on the bed. The sight of watching him cum, combined with the erratic thrusting against my g-spot made me start to orgasm again and I practically screamed as my body protested another eruption of pleasure. My body twisted and writhed against him as he forced one more orgasm while he ejaculated. When he was finally done, our muscles began to relax and his breathing returned to normal.

“That was freaking intense…” I took deep breaths and exhaled quickly.

“It always is when it’s good.” He pulled his cock from my pussy slowly as he sank down on the bed beside me.

My body was in the turmoil of exhaustion mixed with the exhilaration of losing my virginity to Erik. He took me in his arms and pulled me close. I cuddled against his chest while he lightly traced my arm with his fingers. I couldn’t remember being happier than I was in that moment. Even with the rest of my life in chaos, my parents ignoring me, and my future in a questionable state, I felt like none of it mattered as long as he held me. I closed my eyes and he held me close. All of the peace and tranquility I could have imagined swept over me. It was so intense that it took a second for me to recognize the familiar hum and the sound emanating from the driveway. I tried to focus on it in my head and figure out where I had heard it before. After a few seconds, I sat up quickly and looked at Erik in a panic. He leaned forward and looked at me with a bit of a perplexed look on his face.

“My parents!” I rolled out of bed and grabbed my pajamas. “They’re home!”

“Shit…” He let out a sigh and sat up.

Chapter 8: Erik

I don’t remember the last time I hurriedly dressed to escape a house because someone’s parents were home. The thrill of my youth, the fear of coming face to face with someone’s father, and the general concern about getting my dick chopped off came back in full fury. I got my pants around my hips, my shirt over my shoulder, and ran to the living room to retrieve my jacket. I heard the door in the kitchen opening, so I ran towards the sliding patio door at the back of the house. The second I got it open, Charley was partially dressed and on my heels. We pulled the door closed and ducked down below the window as her parents entered the house. We moved through the darkness like we were trained in the art of stealth, pressing our bodies to the side of the house until we cleared the edge and then started running towards my car. I prayed her parents didn’t look out the window and see us sprinting towards it, but it was far enough towards the end of the house that I doubted they would since their bedroom lights were not on.

“Why did you follow me?” I opened my door and smacked her on the ass as she climbed across the middle console. “You could have distracted them while I got away.”

“Do you really think I’m just letting you leave me after what you did to me?” She shook her head and grinned as I started the car.

“I can’t believe I just ran from someone’s parents.” I started laughing as I started the car and drove towards my house.

“I’m not even sure they would give a shit. They’re just ignoring me these days.” She sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

“Still mad about college?” That seemed like the logical explanation, but I asked anyway.

“Yeah…” She muttered and wrinkled her brow.

Yeah, I would be too.

“I’m sure they’ll come around in time.” I wasn’t sure of that, even as I said it.

I sure as fuck wouldn’t.

“Maybe.” She shrugged again as we pulled up to my house, completing our extremely short getaway.

“We’re here.” I turned off the car and looked over at her.

“Can I stay with you tonight? I really don’t want to go back home…” She looked at me with eyes that reflected an intense need for me to accept her request.

“Yeah, I think that will be okay.” I nodded and opened my car door.

I made it around to her side of the door before she had a chance to open it and extended my hand to help her stand. We walked hand in hand to the front door and I slid my key into the lock. I flipped on the lights as we stepped into the living room and closed the door once she was inside. The exhaustion of our encounter began to settle on me as the adrenaline of almost being caught wore off. Charley had been so wonderfully tight that it was hard to fuck her. Every inch felt like a mile that I had to cross with nothing but the flesh along the shaft of my cock. The explosion inside of her was worth every minute it took getting her to the point she could accept my dick. It was an amazing experience to be her first and I hoped she never looked back at the experience as a mistake. It was definitely a moment I would never forget. Even after satisfying my desires and finally getting what I wanted, I had no intention of making it a one night stand. I loved the way her body reacted to my touch and I already wanted more.

“Would you like a drink? I could make some coffee.” I walked towards the kitchen.

“Yeah, that would be good. I feel like I need a bit of an energy boost here.” She followed me into the kitchen and leaned against the wall as I started setting up the coffee maker.

“Did I wear you out?” I smiled and winked at her.

“It was my first time…” She shook her head and narrowed her eyes at me.

Once the coffee was made, we each took a cup and walked back to the living room. Neither of us had really gotten completely dressed. My shoes were by my door where they had been dropped the second we got back to my place, and I wasn’t even sure where my socks ended up. My pants were on, but my belt had never been replaced. My shirt was mostly buttoned, but when I looked down, I realized it wasn’t lined up with the correct button holes. She had thrown on her shirt and pajama pants, but her feet were bare and I was fairly sure she didn’t take time to locate her panties. We cuddled on the couch, each of us looking rather disheveled after having sex and fleeing her parents’ house. She still looked beautiful to me and just having her nearby made me crave her again. When our coffee was done, I leaned in and started kissing her neck. She immediately erupted in goosebumps as I pulled her towards me and kissed down to her shoulder. She let out a moan and looked over at me with the same hunger she had when I first joined her on the bed at her house.

“I’m not sure I can have another orgasm, but I want you…” She leaned against me and started kissing my neck.

“Why don’t you get on top this time and set the pace—find out what makes you feel good.” I pulled her shirt over her head and started caressing her breasts.