Page 15 of Mr. Mountain

Not even conversation? Wow.

Part of me wished I hadn’t said anything at all. My emotions were in turmoil. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to just get bent over in the living room for his pleasure. I wanted more than a bend-her-over-and-fuck-her experience. The dancing was nice and if he had pushed me towards the bedroom, I would have probably already had him inside of me by that point. I wanted privacy more than I ever had before, but the cabin was madness. I couldn’t even go outside. The wind had picked up and snow was falling again. I really was a prisoner and the warden didn’t even want me.

Chapter 6: Shane

A virgin? What the fuck.

My beautiful blonde goddess was untouched. She had never felt a man’s cock inside of her. I hadn’t even really considered that possibility. It didn’t change my desire for her, but it made the situation a little different. The primal feeling of protective possessiveness was starting to amplify as the news rolled around in my head.

Can I really take a virgin into my bed and let her walk away?

Her confession of virginity made me more aware of our age difference and the different point we were in our lives. A woman for me was nothing more than a fuck, especially after not having one for six years, but what happened between us would mean a lot more to her if we went over that line.

God damn it—I want her so bad.

I had been so determined to live in solitude that I never considered sharing the cabin with anyone else. Heather toyed with that mentality and made me question it. I stood alone in the kitchen, making dinner and continuing to ponder what she said. In a way, she was right—if I would have rescued someone who wasn’t a virgin, it would have been a lot simpler to get what I wanted and send her on her way when the storm passed. Unfortunately, there was no going back. I had rescued Heather, and I still wanted her, even if it was complicated as hell.

“Lunch is ready.” I topped a steak with vegetables and put the plate down where she sat the last time we ate.

“Thanks.” There was a difference in her tone that I picked up on as she sat down and started to saw through the slab of meat.

“Like this.” I held up my knife. “Cut at an angle, just like this. Make one quick cut and then saw if it doesn’t go all the way through.”

“Great.” She repeated the motion and still had to saw, but it was a lot faster. “What did you learn while you were lost, Heather? I learned how to cut meat. It’s a valuable life skill.”

“Are you mad?” I looked into her eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t.” She shook her head and made another cut. “I’m fine.”

Oh shit, not the dreaded “I’m fine”—that always means things are far from fine.

“Now you just sound like a brat.” I glared at her with my face twisting to a scowl. “If you want to talk about something, let’s talk like adults.”

“Whatever.” She pushed her plate away. “I’m done.”

“You need to eat something.” I pushed the plate back over. “Don’t waste food. You’ll be hungry before dinner if you don’t eat this.”

“Fuck you.” She slid off her stool. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. It’s bad enough I’m stuck here until the storm breaks.”

“You disrespectful little…” I stood up and looked down at her face which was had turned red with a bit of boiling anger. “We can discuss this like adults.”

“Adult this.” She grabbed her plate and threw it on the floor. It immediately shattered and food went everywhere. “Is that adult enough for you? Sorry, I guess I’m just a brat.”

“You want to act like a little brat, I’ll treat you like one.” I grabbed her arm and walked to my chair, pulling her across my knee as I took a seat.

“Hey! What are you doing!?” She started kicking her feet.

“You want to throw a temper tantrum? I’ll give you something to be mad about.” I yanked her yoga pants down, along with her panties, exposing her beautiful bare ass.

“Stop it!” She threw an arm back and I grabbed it firmly with my left hand, pinning it to the small of her back. I lifted my right hand and brought it down firmly in the center of her bottom.

“Ow! You can’t spank me!” She argued and struggled against my grasp.

“I’m not just going to spank you, Heather.” My words were firm, but without any hint of real anger. “I’m going to wear your ass out.”

I brought my hand down a little harder in the center of her ass, seeing an outline of my hand when I pulled it back. The next few minutes were filled with squealing and fighting as I gave her beautiful white ass a well-spanked red glow. I felt like she needed a reset button and she was totally off the rails with her attitude and her behavior. I had never actually spanked anyone before, but I got my fair share growing up so I had a good idea what it was supposed to be like.

I bet you won’t act like a brat after I’m done with you.