Page 14 of Mr. Mountain

“But you got your spot?” I pointed around the room.

“I own a lot of land up here; land that I’ll never see.” He shrugged. “I have a good barrier between myself and the tourists.”

“Let’s dance again.” The music started back up with a song that I liked and I took his hand.

“I don’t really know this one.” He watched as I started to move around the floor.

“It’s a club song.” I moved back to him and gave my imitation of a twerk.

“Do I just stand here and watch?” He tilted his head and stared at my butt as I tried to shake it.

“Sorry, you probably have no idea about this stuff.” I moved closer and slide my butt against his leg.

“I definitely do not.” He laughed. “I like it though. I should learn. I’m not sure I can shake my ass like that though.”

He reached down and put his hands on my hips, grinding against my body as I slowed down my movements. I really had no idea how to actually dance like the girls at the club, but I had watched enough music videos to get a terrible imitation of their shake down. The song ended and I started walking back towards my drink.

“Running away so soon?” He took a step forward and reached for my hand.

“Well I can’t run very far.” I turned back towards him. “We’re in a wooden box.”

“Yeah.” He pulled me close and wrapped an arm around my back. “You’re pretty much my prisoner.”

“Is that so?” I looked into his eyes and grinned as he held me close.

“It is.” He replied. “You know what they say about prison…”

“Find the biggest and baddest guy there—kick his ass on the first day?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No…” He said with a smile and spun me around. “Don’t drop the soap.” He put a hand on the back of my neck and one on my hip. He bent me over with very little effort, keeping me tight against his hips.

“Okay, I don’t think I like prison anymore!” I laughed as he held onto me—I was getting turned on, but it was dangerously close to getting out of hand.

“This is the best part.” He slid a hand into my yoga pants and started to pull them down.

Oh God—No, I can’t do this.

“Wait!” I grabbed my yoga pants and held them around my hips. “I like you, I really do, but I’m a virgin.”

“You’re a what?!” He let go of me instantly and recoiled slightly, a look of horror on his face.

He hates me. Great.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have led you on.” I stood up and grimaced. “I thought I was going to just let it happen, but I’m not sure I can do that.”

“Forgive me if I don’t quite understand, but you’re gorgeous. How did you survive high school or a single party in college without losing your cherry?” He took a step back.

“Well, my parents were strict so dating in high school was pretty much out of the question. Don’t get me wrong, I fooled around, but I think my dates were more terrified of my father than I was.” I shrugged. “As for college? I just really haven’t had time for a relationship.”

“That’s fucking nuts.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“I’m sorry you didn’t rescue someone who was ready to put out.” I walked over and picked up my drink.

Well, that moment is ruined. Now I get to spend the time locked in a wooden box with someone who hates me.

I had never seen a man literally treat me like I had a plague when I told him I was a virgin. The people that found out seemed desperate to be the ones to own the privilege of deflowering me. Granted, most of them were my age and didn’t have a few years on me like Shane had. I felt unwanted and confused as we sat down in the living room. We watched television in silence until it was lunch time. I sat down in my chair, feeling rather angry as more time passed and he casually made lunch like it was nothing, sipping his drink as he sliced up some meat and vegetables.