“Thank you.” I smiled and sat down across from him.

“So, I’ve been thinking.” He leaned back in his chair. “We have what I believe to be a hit, but you’re still virtually unknown outside of your YouTube song. We need to get some buzz around this new song.”

“That sounds like a great idea.” I nodded enthusiastically. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’m going to suggest something that you might find a little strange, but I believe it will help your career in more ways than you realize.” He nodded and smiled.

“Okay?” I tilted my head apprehensively.

“You’re the heartbroken girl that sang about a man that did her wrong. People connected with that. His Stetson Hat is a different direction. It’s all about discovery and finding someone new. We need to capitalize on that, but in order to do so, you’re going to need a man underneath the hat.” He leaned forward. “You need a boyfriend.”

“Um…” I raised an eyebrow. “I’m not dating anyone.”

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t mean a real boyfriend. You need someone that will get people talking. Relationships worked wonders for Taylor Swift and I’m sure you’ve seen how much publicity Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton got after their marriage fell apart.” His smiled again with another nod of his head. “That’s what we need—the power of love. New love for the heartbroken girl. It’ll help the fans connect with you.”

“Whoa.” I blinked and tried to process what he said. “A boyfriend, but not a real boyfriend?”

“Right.” He chuckled. “You don’t think all of the relationships you see in the tabloids are real, do you? Sometimes they’re nothing more than a charade. That’s what I’m suggesting. We put on a show for the tabloids, get them talking, and it’ll create buzz for both of you.”

“Gosh, this is definitely not what I thought you were going to suggest when I walked into your office.” I shook my head in disbelief. “I mean, who would I be pretend-dating?”

“Another up and coming star. Someone that is a little more popular than you, but they could really benefit from a relationship and a few headlines. Brendan

Tanner.” He nodded and opened a folder on his desk. “He’s already got one song that is getting played pretty often and we’ve got another one in the works.”

“Um…” I felt my heart start to race.

Holy shit.

“I’m throwing a party for some of my artists this weekend and I’m inviting the press. It’s the perfect opportunity to stage something.” He nodded and shrugged. “Will you at least consider it?”

“Yeah.” I quickly shook my head up and down. “I mean, I need to think about it, of course.”

Not really, but I should at least pretend to be apprehensive.

I was sold on the plan the moment Sawyer suggested it. Brendan Tanner was a wet dream in a Stetson hat. I would never be able to tell him that he was the inspiration for the song, but I was more than okay with having a fake relationship with him. Hell, I was more than okay with having a real relationship with him—based on what I had seen so far at least. I left Sawyer’s office with my head spinning. I started thinking about all of Taylor Swift’s relationships, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert during the good years, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw—a dream that just kept on going. It might not be a real relationship, but there was a chance it could be. Just being close to Brendan Tanner was worth it, even if it didn’t work out in the long run.

Oh god, what am I going to tell my parents?



Accompanying Song:

“Crazy Town” by Jason Aldean

“What the hell, Sawyer? Have you lost your fucking mind?” I stared at him with disbelief after he told me his plan for a fake-relationship with Lauren Williams.

“You want buzz, don’t you? You want to capitalize on the success you’re seeing right now? The best way to do that is to get people talking about you. Your song is on fire. This will push you towards superstar status.” Sawyer opened his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. “Want a drink?”

“Yeah, I feel like I fucking need one right about now.” I exhaled sharply and took the glass when it was full.

“You’re both on the cusp of something here. Your song is getting played and people are loving it. She’s got a new song that’s about to hit and trust me—it’s good.” He nodded enthusiastically and sipped his whiskey.

“Yeah? What’s it called?” I tilted my head to the side.

“His Stetson Hat.” Sawyer grinned. “I do believe that’s what you have sitting on your head right now.”