“They really offered you a record deal after everything that happened? I’m shocked.” She chuckled slightly. “So, when do I get to hear one of those songs?”

“Soon. I mean, it’s only fair. Most of them are about you.” I kissed her forehead. “Please forgive a few of lyrics—I was hurting.”

“Yeah, well, wait until you hear all the angry songs on my next album.” Her chuckle got a little stronger. “I fucking eviscerated you.”

“I’m sure I deserve every single verse.” I nodded and shrugged. “Whatever happened to that duet we sang anyway? Did it ever get on the radio?”

“No, Sawyer buried that thing in the vault after everything blew up. Maybe we’ll have to get our hands on it and let the world hear the real version—without the extra commentary.” He hand started moving down my abdomen. “But enough of this intermission, I’m ready to go again.”

“With pleasure.” I rolled her over and slid between her thighs as our lips came together in a kiss.

One year later

Finding a way to come back together after the storm that had raged between us was difficult. It was easy when we were alone, but the questions that came at both of us in public were hard to answer at first. Neither of us were interested in hiding our relationship after everything we had done to find our way back to happiness. We finally decided to just release a joint statement, explaining that relationships were complicated, and sometimes people deserve a second chance. That seemed to help. Lauren’s die hard fans were still distrustful of me, but we were together. That was all that truly mattered. Our lives were pulled apart as our careers moved in different directions, but we were determined to make it work. Sawyer and Nancy lined up the tours so that they practically ran parallel to each other, which made it easy to meet up after the shows.

We released our own albums, and they told the story of our heartbreak from different angles. It was what Sawyer envisioned from the start, even if they weren’t both under his label. Her album broke records on the country music charts and quickly took the top spot. Mine landed in the middle of the top one hundred on the rock music charts and stayed there until it started to sink. It was much better than I expected, considering how bad my reputation was when it finally came out. I would have loved for it to do better, but Nancy seemed pleased with the response. She wanted another one, and I was ready to hit the studio immediately after the tour was done. The best moments came when neither of us were consumed with our careers and we were able to spend time alone.

“Chicago is as windy as advertised.” Lauren pulled her jacket around her body as we walked.

“Yeah, well, we call this a light breeze.” I chuckled and put my arm around her shoulders.

“Where are you taking me, anyway?” She lifted her head and looked down the street in front of us. “Is this where all the fancy restaurants are?”

“Nah, not exactly. This is kind of a hole in the wall, but it’s a good place to get a steak. Maybe not as good as the ones in Texas where they carve them straight off the bull, but it’s as good as we get.” I chuckled and pointed ahead.

Lauren’s eyes lit up as soon as we stepped into the restaurant. Her eyes traced the crowd and I smiled. Sawyer was there, as were her parents, my parents, and our closest friends. It was a celebration of our love, and the woman on my arm was either going to agree that the ring in my pocket belonged on her finger, or completely embarrass me in front of everyone. I had asked her father’s blessing, and after a long discussion, he finally agreed. Winning over her best friend Misty was a little more difficult, but she eventually came around. I took Lauren’s hand, pulled the ring from my pocket, and dropped down on one knee.

“Oh my god!” Her eyes lit up as she realized what I was doing. “Yes!”

“Wait, I have to ask you first.” I smiled and took her hand. “Lauren Marie Williams, will you please make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”

“I already said yes.” She took the ring and slid it on her finger. “Get up and hug me.”

There was a cheer throughout the room when I stood to my feet and tears filled both of our eyes. I took her in an embrace and our lips met for a kiss that was far too passionate for the audience at hand. Neither of us really cared. Our lives had been in front of the cameras for so long that it wasn’t anything they hadn’t seen before. When our lips finally parted, our eyes locked together, and the tears gave way to bliss. I turned to the crowd and held out her hand to show off the ring as people quickly surrounded us to check it out. Hugs were exchanged in every direction as we celebrated our engagement.

“I guess you’re all right.” Misty eyed me suspiciously for a moment and then gave me a hug.

“You’re gonna be next, you know.” Lauren hugged her and giggled. “Zack is going to put a ring on your finger before too long.”

“Introducing us was the best thing you ever did.” Misty smiled and nodded. “I’ll try to catch the bouquet and give him a nudge.”

“I got good aim.” Lauren winked at her.

We continued to exchange pleasantries with our families until we finally got finished with the hugs and quick exchanges. We ordered dinner, shared some drinks, and joked about the journey that led us together. It was a beautiful moment, but nothing could compare to the woman that was going to be my wife. I loved her with every piece of my soul, and the fact she gave me a second chance was more than I deserved. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life making up for my biggest mistake. I would fight until my dying breath to make sure nothing came between us again. Once people started breaking off and having separate conversations, I leaned over and let my lips rest against her ear.

“I love you, Lauren.” I gave her a light kiss.

“I love you too—Mr. Twang.” She giggled and squeezed my hand.

“Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.” I growled and kissed her ear again.

“It was worth it.” She purred lightly and giggled again.



Accompanying Song: