“The workers hear things. The room isn’t completely soundproof. It’s the best you can get by the hour, but it’s not perfect.” She shrugged. “You’re not signed to a label anymore, right? Sawyer cut you loose after that disaster in Nashville.”

“Yeah, he did, but I’m not interested in recording music for other people. I just come here to get this shit off my chest.” I adjusted my guitar on my shoulder and started to turn away.

“Please don’t go.” She took a step forward and put her hand on my arm. “Your stuff is beautiful. It’s like melancholy in lyrical form. I’ve never heard anyone bend guitar strings with that much emotion before. I want you at Minotaur Records. I don’t care if your album sells one copy, I just want to be part of producing it.”

“You’d be wasting your time—and your money.” I pulled away from her. “Nobody wants to hear what I have to say anymore, whether the words are spoken or put to music.”

“I think you’re wrong.” She didn’t move as I started walking, but her voice got louder. “People don’t really care that much about the story behind the music if it’s beautiful enough.”

“That’s the opposite of everything I heard when I got to Nashville.” I paused in my tracks and turned around. “I recorded music in Chicago for years before I even got an offer. Where were you then? You certainly weren’t stalking my band at the recording studio.”

“I should have been.” She took a step forward. “I wish I was. Music is tough. The industry is vicious, as I’m sure you know. We don’t even have to use your real name. Just let me produce your album and share it. It’ll sell more than one copy—because I’ll buy more than that myself just so I can give it to people.”

Fuck, as much as I want to move on, the money I have won’t last forever. I probably won’t get another offer with all of the baggage I bring to the table.

“Can I think about it?” I adjusted my guitar again.

“Of course.” She nodded quickly. “Let me give you my card.”

“I don’t need it.” I exhaled sharply. “I know where you work.”

I turned away from Nancy and started walking back to my apartment. Minotaur Records was the big time—one of the biggest labels in Chicago. It made the label I almost signed with years before look like an amateur production studio. They had huge stars on their roster and I would have literally cut off my leg to have them listen to my music when I was trying to get signed. I couldn’t ignore the opportunity, even if it caught me off guard. If she wanted to sign me and produce an album, then she was going to get every ounce of baggage I wrapped around my songs. I just needed to handle one piece of business first. I had to permanently close the chapter of my life that I left open in Nashville.

I’m going back. I’m going to walk out on that stage, accept the award, and let them hate me. Then I’m leaving Nashville in a blaze of fucking glory and reclaiming my life.



Accompanying Song:

“Better in Time” by Leona Lewis

After turning down Zack’s invitation for a date, I felt stronger than I had since the breakup with Brendan. I was finding the strength to reclaim my life and move on without him. It was what I truly needed, whether I wanted to admit it to myself or not. I wasn’t ready to date and there would always be a piece of my heart that belonged to the man who took my innocence, but the brokenness inside my chest had started to find its way back together. The wounds could heal, but I would always have a keloid scar on my heart that reminded me of Mr. Twang and his lies. Time would never erase him completely from my thoughts, but each day would get better. I started working on my second album when I had a short break from the tour and prepared for the Country Music Awards that were being held in near downtown Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry.

“I really believe the Rising Star Award will be yours by a landslide.” Sawyer leaned against the wall of the studio and smiled.

“Right, because what I deserve after all of this is an award.” I shook my head and lightly hit the strings on my guitar.

“This will make your career more than anything else ever could. You’re going to be the next Taylor Swift—hell, you might even be bigger.” He held his hands wide apart and nodded.

“She found a way to make broken hearts into art. I’d prefer to let this one be my last.” I put my guitar on the stand next to me. “Will they just mail me the award if I don’t go?”

“You can’t miss the c

eremony.” Sawyer scoffed. “It’s your first major award.”

“Well, if what you say is true, I’ll be drowning in them soon enough.” I looked at him with a sarcastic scowl. “Plus, I really don’t want to be there when they give Brendan the Scumbag of the Year Award.”

“They asked if you would be willing to accept it—on his behalf.” Sawyer tilted his head to the side. “I told them that probably wasn’t going to happen.”

“Hell no.” I shook my head angrily. “They can make a joke of my life if they want, but I’m not going to participate in it.”

“Why’d you have to fall for him?” Sawyer sighed. “It was easier when you hated him.”

“You’re the one that told him to be nice.” I raised my eyebrows at Sawyer. “Now I don’t know if I would stab him with a fork or hug him if he walked through the door.”

“Probably a mixture of both, but it’s better this way. He hurt you and you’ve moved past it. I even heard that Zack is interested in you. Surely you would like to give him a shot at helping you get over Brendan. He’s quite popular with the ladies, if you know what I mean.” Sawyer chuckled lightly.