It was the first time she hadn’t hesitated and pulled away when I explored her intimate areas. I felt her hands unbuttoning my pants and I stretched out as she freed my cock from the denim prison. She started stroking it, moving up and down my shaft with an apprehensive touch as I pleasured her. It wasn’t the first time we had been in that position, but we never reached a climax. I needed to feel her body erupt underneath me, even if we weren’t having sex. Her curves reacted to my caress and when I realized she wasn’t even trying to stop me, I turned up the heat. I crushed her lips beneath mine and forced my tongue into her mouth as my finger quickly swirled around the hard knot that had formed underneath my touch.

One day I’ll have more than a touch, but I’m not going to miss my opportunity to taste the orgasm on her lips.

I barely felt my own pleasure as Lauren’s body writhed against me. I had dreamed of making her cum every time she was in my arms, but she always pushed me away before it got to that point. She was reacting differently than normal. Her kiss was fiercer than usual, and I could feel her heart beating against mine. I kept my finger moving in a steady motion, letting another one dip into her wetness until I felt her hymen. She moaned louder and pulled back from the kiss. Her lips trembled, and her body started to shudder. I watched her eyes close and I couldn’t be apart from her lips long enough to watch the majesty on her face. I kissed her again, moving my finger even faster while she squirmed. Her hand kept the same pace on my dick, moving down to my balls and back to my glans each time she stroked it. Her hand got faster as she got closer to an eruption of bliss.

“I want to feel you cum.” I pulled back from her lips for a second and whispered into her ear.

“Oh god.” She swallowed hard and moaned, but I silenced her with another kiss.

Our bodies moved together in harmony. Her breath got trapped in her throat as she felt the pleasure accelerating towards the climax she craved. I kept kissing her with the same ferocity. The way her body reacted to my touch made my cock throb in her hand. My hips began to move erratically as I felt the pressure in my balls. I rubbed her clit until she couldn’t hold back any longer. Her lips parted from mine and her face tightened for a moment before her mouth formed a beautiful circle of pleasure. Her head fell back and then she let out a long gasp as her hips shook. Her first gasp was just the beginning. She started moaning and squirming as I felt the grandeur of bliss surge through her body. Her orgasm was truly the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. It sent me over the edge instantly. The pressure in my balls pushed into my shaft and then I turned my hips away as I began to ejaculate. Her hand kept moving up and down my shaft, getting covered in my cum as euphoria consumed me.

“That felt so good.” She sank against me and exhaled with a long, gentle sigh.

“Thank you for letting me watch you cum. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” I wrapped my arms around her gorgeous curves and held her tight.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t more. I’m sure you’re not used to waiting this long to to be intimate with someone.” She looked up into my eyes.

“You’re worth the wait.” I smiled and kissed her forehead.

“I know we’ll be busy once the albums launch, but maybe we can get some time alone this weekend. We’re supposed to be working on the duet, after all.” She grinned.

“We can do this anytime you want.” I nodded and kissed her forehead again.

“What if I want something else?” Her emerald eyes sparkled as I pulled back.

“Well, I’ve got two hands if you want to try out the other one.” I lifted it and wiggled my fingers.

“No, the next time we’re together, I want this.” She slid her hand down my abdomen and wrapped her fingers around my cock.

“Oh god.” I gasped. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She nodded, and another smile spread across her face. “I’ll be ready the next time we’re alone.”

Why does life have to be so fucking unfair? She’s finally ready and the wrecking ball of damnation is coming faster than either of us want.

The albums came out to an eruption of fanfare. They surged through the charts faster than Sawyer expected. They were sitting side by side at number fifteen and sixteen after a couple of days. We were extremely busy and had no time to see each other at all. Sawyer sent us both out to do promotions for the album, and those trips weren’t limited to Nashville. We did some video chats when we could and just talked on the phone when we couldn’t. The only good thing about it was that we were not working on our duet, which meant we weren’t going to be forced apart quite yet. I thought about our last night together constantly, and every time I got a moment of peace, I heard her words echoing in my ears again. She was ready for things to move to the next level. We just had to find some time in our schedules that could be carved out for us.

“Hey, man, are you finally back for a while?” Gavin sat up on the couch when I entered my apartment after two weeks away.

“Yeah.” I sighed and slammed the door. “I’m tired as fuck, but I’m done with the first wave.”

“Good. I’ve been working with the band Sawyer put together. He found some talented folks. We even worked on some stuff for that duet you’re going to do with Lauren.” He smiled and nodded.

“Does it sound good?” I took a seat in the chair across from him.

“Yeah, I think so. You just need to finish it.” He chuckled lightly as his head continued to nod.

“Lauren will be back in a couple of days. We’ll get some time to work on it next week.” I struggled to hide a sly smile that tried to tilt the edge of my lips.

We’ve got some other business to attend to first—before we ever touch a guitar string.

“Are you sure you’re not really into her?” He tilted his head to the side. “There seems to be a spark there that goes beyond just helping your country music career take off.”


I nodded and sighed. “Yeah, I didn’t want to tell you everything back then, and I probably shouldn’t have told you that it wasn’t real, because there’s definitely something there. It started out as a publicity stunt and then it turned into something more.”

“Shit.” He exhaled sharply. “I was afraid of that. Look, man, I can’t have another blowup like Chicago. I got a good thing here and I would rather play drums for you than anyone, but this is dangerous territory.”