We walked out and posed for the photographers. They pushed and pulled in a multitude of directions, but they were all sexy. Being so close to Brendan ignited the feelings that were raging like an inferno inside me. When we posed for several photographs with our lips nearly touching, I could feel my heart beating wildly in my chest. It was the ultimate tease, being so close to Brendan and not kissing him. I didn’t want to pose for pictures with the man that had wrapped his fingers around my heart. I wanted his lips pressed against mine. I wanted to feel the desire that met mine each time we were alone. When the shoot was almost done, I was so turned on that I could hardly control my reactions. Every time his hand grazed mine, I felt a surge of electricity cover the surface of my skin.

“You don’t even understand what you did to me out there in front of those cameras.” I heard Brendan’s voice as I sat down in front of the mirror and started removing the layers of makeup.

“If it was anything like what you were doing to me, then I understand completely.” I looked in the mirror at his reflection and sighed. “This is so freaking hard.”

“I’ve got to do a few more promotional shots for my album, but can I see you later?” Brendan tilted his head to the side.

“Yeah.” I nodded quickly. “I’d like that a lot. We can work on the duet, or…”

“Let’s just order food and spend some time together. No pressure. We’ll just do what feels right.” Brendan nodded and a smile spread across his face.

“That would be perfect.” I nodded in agreement.

If I do what feels right, I won’t be a virgin tomorrow morning.



Accompanying Song:

“Must Be Doin’ Some

thing Right” by Billy Currington

One week later

Every night I spent tangled in Lauren’s arms was becoming a testament of sheer willpower. I needed more and every time our lips touched, I thought it was going to be the moment when she was ready, but she still held back. I had touched her wetness with my finger, felt her gentle hand around my cock, but neither of those moments led to completion. She seemed nervous and there was something in the air that neither of us wanted to acknowledge. I knew it was the reason she was holding back, even if I didn’t want to admit it. The impending destruction of our relationship hadn’t been halted when we appealed to Sawyer for a reprieve. He still believed an explosive end to our relationship was the only way to push our careers in the direction we both wanted.

“Our albums come out tomorrow.” I wrapped my arms around Lauren and held her close to my chest. “Time is ticking away from us.”

“Yeah.” She nodded and lifted her head and looked at me. “The end is so close that I can already taste the poison on my lips.”

“Romeo and Juliet? Damn, that’s hardcore.” I chuckled slightly as I gazed into her emerald eyes.

“Don’t make fun of me!” She let her head drop against my chest. “I’m truly heartbroken over this.”

“We built our wall of lies and the inevitable destruction looms. It’s what we begged for when we wanted to be famous.” I exhaled sharply and shook my head. “I don’t even remember who I was back then. It feels like a lifetime ago.”

“So much has changed.” She stretched out her arm and locked her hand with mine. “You’re not an asshole anymore.”

“Maybe it would be easier if I was. It would be easier to be the man that sent you spiraling into the dark despair of angry songs about a relationship shattered by my betrayal.” I swallowed a lump trying to form in my throat. “Instead of the man that has fallen for you.”

“I can’t believe Sawyer wouldn’t even consider the possibility that something real had formed here. He should be able to adapt to what his creation has become.” She squeezed my hand tight. “It’s not fair.”

Lauren was right. It wasn’t fair. Thing had moved at a steady pace, and we were not ready to let go of what we had. I came close to taking Lauren’s virginity so many times. I thought it was going to happen after the photo shoot and I practically had her naked in my arms before she pushed me away. The constant tug of war between our desires and our emotions was threatening to tear me apart. With the albums on the horizon, the destruction was coming, and the only thing that held us together was the duet. We had tried so hard to turn it into the song that defined us, but we always stopped when we got a few good lines on paper. We both seemed to have fears that surrounded the completion of our duet because we knew what it ultimately meant.

The moment we finish our song, we’re on the tail end of our time together, living out Sawyer’s plan as he envisioned it.

“Do you want to work on our duet some more?” I looked over at my guitar.

“No.” She shook her head softly and scooted up my chest. “I just want to enjoy this moment with you.”

Lauren’s lips locked with mine and we started kissing. I felt the fire burning inside me as our lips formed a seal. Even without our bodies connecting the way that I truly desired, I still couldn’t get enough of her lips. I pushed her hand down my abdomen, praying that she would give me at least a touch while I ravaged her mouth with my tongue. I practically choked on my own breath when I felt her fingers continue moving south and start tracing the outline of my cock in my jeans. I slid a hand into her jeans, unbuttoned them, and felt the zipper groan as I moved between her thighs. She no longer hesitated when I touched her. I slid my fingers into the waistband of her panties and kept going until her clit was against my fingertip.

“I want to make you cum.” I teased her lips with mine as I spoke.

“It might not take long.” She moaned when my finger started to circle her clit.