“Ah, okay, that’s really starting to sting.” She looked back at me and grimaced.

“You’re the one that asked for a spanking.” I lifted my hand and brought it down in the same spot that the previous one landed. “Eighteen.”

“Hey, maybe I lied about my age!” She looked over her shoulder again. “I’m only eighteen. You can stop now.”

“Wow.” I smirked and chuckled. “That puts me in an interesting predicament.”

“Huh? How so?” She giggled. “You can’t keep spanking me if you’ve already given me one for each year.”

“Well, one to grow on.” I smirked again and gave her a harder one in the center of her ass.

“Ouch! Okay, all done.” She tried to stand, but I pulled her back across my lap.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I chuckled and let my fingers graze her ass, which had turned a light shade of pink from her birthday spanking.

“My birthday spanking is over. I even got one to grow on!” She nodded and looked over her shoulder with a grin on her face.

“Yes, but now I have to figure out if I’m going to spank you for lying or underage drinking.” I tapped my finger against my chin. “Either way, you’re going to be across my knee for a while.”

“No, no!” She shook her head quickly. “I’m sorry, I’m twenty-one. Go ahead and give me the last few.”

“Well how do I know you’re telling me the truth now?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “I think I’m going to give you a real spanking either way, just to be sure.”

“Come on, my ass already hurts!” She squirmed on my knee.

“Fine, I guess I’ll trust you.” I lifted my hand and started spanking her again. “Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one—and another one to grow on, since the last one didn’t count.”

“Ouch! That’s not fair.” She wiggled her ass and squirmed.

“Fine, another one.” I brought my hand down again.

“Okay! It was fair!” She struggled and I let her go as she stood and quickly pulled up her panties.

I pulled Lauren back into my lap and we kissed until well past midnight. She might have provided some slight objections in the beginning, but I could tell she really enjoyed every second across my knee. She was going to be a lot of fun once I finally got to take her virginity. She was pure, innocent, and appeared to be willing to try anything. When we finally parted, I could hardly walk to my car with my cock still screaming out for attention. If it was anyone but her, I would have been furious to get so turned on without a release. I liked her though, and I was willing to let things develop naturally at her pace until she was ready for it to go to the next level. I couldn’t imagine her being able to hold out much longer, especially with how wet she was before I was done with her birthday spanking.

Fuck, I need a release. There’s no way I can go to bed with this raging desire in my balls.

My nights alone usually ended with some porn and a quick eruption when things got good on the screen, but I didn’t need it with Lauren so fresh on my mind. She was all I thought about when I got home and undressed. I stretched out on the bed and took my cock in my hand, rapidly pumping it as I imagined her virgin pussy stretched around my girth. I wanted her more than I had ever wanted a woman before. I regretted the way I had treated her in the beginning, because we had wasted so much time when we could have been well past the point of simply exchanging our breath between kisses. It didn’t take long for the pressure in my balls to reach the point of no return, and I erupted like a cannon when cum finally spewed from my glans. It was only a temporary respite. My desire for her was too strong for masturbation to take the place of what I truly craved.



Accompanying Song:

“5-1-5-0” by Dierks Bentley

I climaxed with Lauren’s curves fresh on my brain. I dreamed about her until I woke up in a sweat with my cock hard again. I tossed and turned until I had no choice but to release the tension again. When morning came, I felt like I hadn’t slept a wink. I washed off the lust that stained me from the night before with a shower, changed my sheets, and strummed my guitar aimlessly as I thought about her. I wasn’t sure what the right protocol was for proper dating. My previous relationships had started with a bang and we usually woke up together until the second bang blew the entire thing to pieces. It had been that way with my last relationship in Chicago, which lasted longer than any of the ones before it. Before I could get too tangled up my thoughts, there was a knock at my door.

Maybe that’s the answer right there. I wonder if her night was anything like mine. Damn it, just thinking about her pleasuring herself is getting me hard again.

I anticipated seeing Lauren’s face on the other side of the peephole as I approached the door. I didn’t really know anyone else in Nashville that would just show up at my apartment. If Sawyer needed me for something, he would have called and asked me to come by his office. I adjusted my clothes, stretched my pants around my rapidly forming erection, and checked my hair in the mirror before walking to the door. I had a smile on my face when I leaned forward to look in the peephole, but it wasn’t her face on the other side. It was a man a couple of years older than me named Gavin that played drums for my band in Chicago. I unlocked the door and pulled it open with a look of shock clearly etched on my face.

“Gavin? What are you doing here?” I tilted my head to the side.

“Brendan!” He stretched out his arms. “What’s up, bro? Fuck, man, when did you start talking like a hick?”

“Hey, man. Oh yeah, it’s hard to turn it off once you start talking like this.” I gave him a quick man-hug and stepped back from the door so he could enter. “Is everything okay?”