“Holy shit.” Brendan blinked in surprise. “That gave me goosebumps.”

“Cause it’s true.” I felt my heart racing as our eyes locked.

Brendan crossed the distance between us in a flash. He pushed the guitar to the side and our lips met. The warmness inside me turned into a fire that roared out of control as he crushed my lips beneath his. His hand slid underneath the edge of my shirt and grazed against my skin. My heart started beating wildly in my chest as he pushed me back against the couch and continued to kiss me. Our lips formed a perfect seal and his tongue began to ravage my mouth. I had been kissed before, but never like that. I felt his hand moving further up until it was squeezing my breast through my bra. His other hand moved along my thigh then started sliding between my legs.

“Wait.” I broke the seal our lips had formed and pushed him back.

“What’s wrong?” His breath was hurried as he spoke.

“I really like you and I’m not trying to send mixed signals here, but I’ve never had sex before. I’m still a virgin.” I bit down on my lip and stared into his eyes.

“That’s okay, we can go slow.” He nodded and then started kissing me again.

I was glad that he didn’t push for more than the make-out session we were having on the couch because I wasn’t sure I could have turned him down if he did. My body was begging for his touch and begging me to let him keep going when his hand was on my thigh, but it was too new. He was still the man that had treated me like crap and while I was falling head over heels for the man beneath his wounded mask, I still had hesitations. There was a plan already in motion and if we turned the fake relationship into a real one, it could complicate things. My thoughts were a jumbled mess by the time he finally pulled away from our kiss and leaned back on the couch.

“If we don’t stop now, I’m not going to be able to hold back.” He pushed himself back to his feet and reached for the guitar. “Let’s see if we can get a little bit more of the song figured out.”

“Okay.” I nodded and sat up as I reached for my drink.

“So let’s see. If you start the song like that, maybe I can follow up with something like this.” He strummed the guitar lightly.

“I don’t deserve your gentle touch.

I’m man enough to know that much.

But I fell so hard, I can’t let go.

You’re the one for me, this I know.”

“It could use a little work, but you’re on the right track.” I smiled and nodded. “Shit, where the time go? I need to get ready for the party.”

“Yeah, me too.” Brendan turned his wrist over and looked at his watch. “But first…”

“What?” I looked up at him as he stood.

“I believe there’s a birthday girl that needs her birthday spanking.” He grinned and reached for my hand.

“Hey! No!” I shook my head and laughed as he pulled me to his feet.

“Don’t fight it, you got twenty-one and one to grow on coming.” He took a seat and pulled me across his knee.

“I need to get ready for the party!” I kicked my feet and struggled in his grasp.

“You’ll have plenty of time.” He brought his hand down on the seat of my jeans.

“I thought you were going to be nice to me now!” I shot him a comically angry glare over my shoulder.

“I am.” He chuckled and gave me another smack. “If I wasn’t trying to be nice, I’d pull your jeans down.”

“Yeah, that’s not happening.” I shook my head at him.

Brendan didn’t spank me very hard, but he made sure I felt all twenty-one, and the one to grow on definitely left a sting. I hopped off his lap as soon as he was

done and rubbed my ass, glaring at him the whole time. I couldn’t fight the smile that was trying to creep up on my lips. He stood and pulled me close for another kiss, which I didn’t even want to try and fight. I felt like I was melting into his embrace. My body was still on fire and I was struggling with the desires inside me that just wanted to forget the entire party and convince him that I didn’t want him to go. He finally pulled away, leaving me practically panting as he walked to the door. I stared until he was gone and put my hands on my head.

What in the world am I doing?