“If I had anything left in Texas, I’d already have my bags packed.” I stood and shrugged. “I’m on your crazy train, boss. Please let me get off soon.”

My parents were less than thrilled to see me in the tabloids, even though I warned them it was coming. The fact they didn’t want me to get involved in the music business to begin with didn’t help. They still saw what I was doing as throwing away my future since my college plans were officially on hold. The only person that seemed to be somewhat supportive was Misty, who thought Brendan was a wet dream, just like I did in the beginning before I found out what he was really like. I hated having to keep the secret from her, because she believed I was living in bliss with a hot-and-heavy relationship. Sawyer blessed me telling my parents, even though we had a non-disclosure agreement in place, but that was the only exception he was willing to make.

I’ll be so freaking happy when this is all over with.



Accompanying Song:

“I’m to Blame” by Kip Moore

Two weeks later

“Country music’s hottest new couple.” I chuckled when I read the latest headline about my fake relationship with Lauren.

At least they mentioned that we both have albums coming out next month.

I had really done a poor job of being Lauren’s fake boyfriend during the course of our relationship. It was easier to keep her at a distance than risk falling for her. After everything went to hell in Chicago, that was the last thing I wanted. I needed to stay focused on my music and once I had some success, I could start playing the kind of music I enjoyed. Once we got our albums out, we could kick each other to the curb and move on. I did feel bad about treating her like shit, though, even if it was a shield I was holding up to make sure she didn’t get too close. That part I had done well, because she seemed to absolutely despise me. I owed her an apology—she was barely tolerating me at that point.

Maybe I could try to be a little nicer…

We had generated enough interest in our relationship for some interview requests to start coming in. I had done a couple and dodged the questions about Lauren. She had done the same when the subject turned to our relationship. We weren’t going to be able to hide it forever, though, and every major radio station in Nashville was trying to get the first interview that put us in the same room together. Sawyer was nervous, but it was inevitable with so many questions circling us. It was going to require some preparation, which is why I was waiting outside his office for him to get back from the recording studio with Lauren.

“That song is really good.” Sawyer was smiling as he walked down the hallway with Lauren.

“Yeah, I think it’ll be a good one to finish the album with, and it’s one I wrote, so it feels more authentic.” Lauren was all smiles as well until she turned her head and saw me.

“Hello, darling.” I plastered a smile on my face.

“Hello, asshole.” She muttered under her breath and immediately looked around to make sure nobody heard her. “I mean, darling.”

“Let’s get this over with.” Sawyer pulled the door of his office open and we both entered.

For the next couple of hours, we rehearsed our back story. We didn’t meet at Sawyer’s party originally. We had talked a couple of times before that, but his party was the first chance we had to actually sit down and have a conversation. Any questions that drifted towards sex would be avoided entirely. Lauren would smile or laugh and I would shut the interviewer down. I was pretty sure I could do that easily. Sawyer wanted the relationship to seem sweet, even if we teased sex to get people talking in the first place. The country music fans needed to see a man and a woman falling head over heels for each other. They didn’t need the raunchy details to know we were supposedly knocking boots when the lights went out.

“So, do you think you can actually be nice to me long enough to pull off an interview?” Lauren looked over at me and narrowed her eyes.

“I’ll convince them that I’m treating you like a full-time country princess.” I grimaced and nodded.

“It’ll be the performance of a freaking lifetime.” She shook her head angrily. “I can’t wait to have the most explosive breakup in history and write angry songs about you.”

“Darling, it’ll be an honor.” I forced a smile. “Okay, we’re supposed to be having lunch at our favorite restaurant soon.”

“The paparazzi will be there.” Sawyer looked at his watch. “Fairly soon, actually.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Lauren stood and reached for her purse. “I won’t even pretend to wait for you to get the door for me.”

Lauren stormed out of Sawyer’s office and I followed behind her. She kept her angry march going until she reached for the door and relaxed. She took my hand once we were on the sidewalk and we started walking towards the restaurant on the corner. I had held her hand so many times during our relationship and it was still as rigid as the very first time I took it. She might be hiding her true intentions in public, but her body language told me that she hated me with every fiber of her being. I hadn’t hated anyone with that much fury except the woman that broke my heart. We sat down on the patio once we got to the restaurant. The paparazzi were right where they were supposed to be, snapping pictures from a distance, but too far away to hear our conversation.

“I feel like I should apologize to you for the way I’ve treated you since we started this whole fake relationship thing.” I exhaled sharply and reached for my drink.

“Oh, now you feel like you should apologize?” She narrowed her eyes until they were almost burning with rage. “How about the time you practically pushed me out of your car when you dropped me off outside my apartment because nobody was watching?”

Yeah, okay. That wasn’t my proudest moment.

“I’m trying to say that I’m sorry.” I sipped my water and put the glass back on the table.