Page 14 of Mr. Teacher

“Tell me that you belong to be me.” I felt my cock throbbing as her pussy started to spasm.

“I belong to you!” She forced her words out through hurried breaths and then started to orgasm again.

I grabbed her hair and held onto it with one hand while the other one kept a tight grip on her hip. The additional leverage allowed me to yank her back towards my cock as I propelled myself forward with every ounce of strength I had. She was still orgasming and I was really close. I felt the first surge of cum and my balls tightened. I drove myself deep inside her pussy and started to erupt inside her. That seemed to make her cum even harder. Her pussy spasmed nonstop, milking every drop of my manhood as I continued to release my seed. When the last of it was gone, I slumped forward against her back and started kissing her neck.

“Holy shit…” The entirety of her weight fell against the arm of the couch. “I can’t believe how much that turned me on.”

“I meant what I said.” I kissed her neck with a little more force. “You belong to me now. I’m never letting you go.”

“I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else.” She purred and exhaled slowly. “This is intoxicating.”

I understood exactly how she felt, even if I didn’t verbalize it. The bridge that extended from the end of my marriage to the first date with Charlotte had been a hard one to walk, but I finally felt happy again. I didn’t feel like I was going to have to dull my senses just to get through the night. I felt alive. I was hungry for the beautiful woman underneath me. The hunger couldn’t be satisfied unless I knew she belonged to me. We lay together in that spot for almost an hour before either of us seemed to have the strength to move.

“I guess I should get home and make sure Veronica doesn’t stay out past her curfew.” Charlotte rolled over and looked up at me.

“Maybe you can stay the night once your mother gets back?” I leaned back against the couch and watched as she stood.

“When she gets back from her trip, it will be time for classes to start.” She turned towards me with her naked body glistening in the dim light of my living room.

“It isn’t that far away, we can still see each other on the weekends. When I don’t have Benjamin, I’ll come visit you. When he’s with his mom, you can come stay with me.” I stared as she picked up the bag she had brought and pulled out a pair of jeans.

“I don’t know if I can really sneak you into my dorm room.” She giggled and put on a pair of panties. “My roommate might get jealous when you start spanking me.”

“We’ll make it work.” I finally stood and wrapped my arms around her before she finished dressing. “I’ll have you, even if I have to fuck you while your roommate watches.”

“Don’t even joke about that.” She shuddered for a moment and then finally smiled.

Charlotte finished getting dressed and we had one more long kiss at the door before she headed back home. By the time she left, I was already turned on again and wishing that she had stayed a little longer. I walked back to the couch and sat down, rubbing my cock back to life as I did. There was no way I would be able to sleep with lust coursing through my veins again. I started stro

king it, moving in the same rhythm she used when she pleasured me with her lips. It wasn’t the same, but it would be enough to get me off.

This is all I’m going to have once she’s gone.

After my divorce, I was so numb that I rarely felt like jacking off. The whiskey definitely didn’t help. I was feeling the same energy I felt when I first discovered how good it felt to rub my cock. I kept the motion going until I felt my balls tingling again. I stroked myself harder, bouncing against the couch to drive my cock into my hand. The cum started to surge through my shaft and then it erupted, covering my chest and legs with my seed. I continued stroking as more oozed out, and finally stopped when there was nothing left to ejaculate.

Fuck, what a waste…

I HAD A BIT OF A BOUNCE when I got to school the next morning. The world looked more vibrant than it normally did. My soul felt like it had been released from the darkness that swallowed it for so long. My pride had taken a lot of hits, but it was finally restored again. The first date had been good, but the second one was liberating. I actually whistled as I walked down the hallway and nodded to students with a smile on my face. Most of them gave me a confused stare, but I didn’t give a shit.

“Mr. King?” I heard a voice behind me and I turned to see our school secretary, Mrs. Smith.

“Good morning, Gloria!” I turned towards her and smiled.

“Principal Wilson needs to speak with you.” It didn’t seem like my chipper greeting wore off on her at all, and her tone was rather solemn.

“Is he in his office? Tell him I’ll come over as soon as homeroom is done.” I turned back towards the white board and picked up a marker.

“It’s actually rather urgent, Mr. King.” Her voice cracked as she reiterated her request.

“Oh? Okay, I’ll go see him now.” I shrugged and tossed the marker on my desk.

I wasn’t sure why Mrs. Smith had such a strange look on her face. When I started walking down the hallway, the initial buzz of my morning stroll had worn off and I realized that some of the other teachers were staring at me with a strange look on their face as well. Something was definitely off. My stomach started to turn when I got to Mr. Smith’s office and realized that it wasn’t just him that was waiting on me. The vice principal and the school board’s lawyer were there as well.

“Jim, what is going on?” I looked at Principal Wilson.

“Please have a seat, Mr. King.” Principal Wilson took a seat behind his desk and folded his hands against his chin.

“I take it you didn’t check your email this morning?” The attorney for the school board turned his head towards me.